Displays an Instagram embed.
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-instagram" src=""></script>
Supported Layouts
The width
and height
attributes are special for the Instagram embed.
These should be the actual width and height of the Instagram image.
The system automatically adds space for the "chrome" that Instagram adds around the image.
Many Instagrams are square. When you set layout="responsive"
any value where width
and height
are the same will work.
<amp-instagram data-shortcode="fBwFP" data-captioned width="400" height="400" layout="responsive" > </amp-instagram>
If the Instagram is not square you will need to enter the actual dimensions of the image.
When using non-responsive layout you will need to account for the extra space added for the "instagram chrome" around the image. This is currently 48px above and below the image and 8px on the sides.
data-shortcode | The instagram data-shortcode is found in every instagram photo URL.
For example, in, fBwFP is the data-shortcode. |
data-captioned | Include the Instagram caption. amp-instagram will attempt to resize to the correct height including the caption. |
common attributes | This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components. |
See amp-instagram rules in the AMP validator specification.
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