Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format ads!



A player for embedding and playing your favorite stories in your own AMP site.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-story-player" src=""></script>


Use amp-story-player to embed and play stories within an AMP webpage.

Embed in an AMP page

The code snippet below demonstrates an embed of <amp-story-player> in a AMP webpage.

  <script async src=""></script>
  <amp-story-player layout="fixed" width="360" height="600">
    <a href="">
      <img src="" width="360" height="600" loading="lazy" data-amp-story-player-poster-img>
      Stories in AMP - Hello World
Dieses Snippet im Playground öffnen

Specify embedded stories

The <amp-story-player> component contains one or more <a> tags. Point the href attribute of each to the story URL.

Place the story's title within the <a> tag. This provides a better user experience and allows search engines to crawl embedded stories.



Supports any of the size-defined layouts:

  • fixed
  • fixed-height
  • responsive
  • fill


See amp-story-player rules in the AMP validator specification.

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