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A rich set of interactive experiences for stories, including quizzes, polls and results.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-story-interactive" src=""></script>

The amp-story-interactive component provides a set of experiences, such as quizzes or polls, in Web Stories.


The amp-story-interactive component encompasses a set of interactive experiences. Specify an interactive experience by defining one of the elements below. For best results, only use one element per amp-story-page.

Most elements require a backend endpoint that will store aggregate data for each interactive, as well as persist the selected option for a user across sessions. Elements will fetch the percentage of votes for each option as well as the user selection (if any) from this endpoint, and display it with the options after the user has selected one.

To see all the components in action, check out the example story.


The amp-story-interactive-binary-poll element provides a two option voting user interface. Users may select one of two valid options. When selected, the highlighted option fills the container and displays the total percentage of votes.

Does not support pairing with amp-story-interactive-results, and can optionally have a prompt.

An example of a binary poll: 'Like pizza?' with a button for 'Yes' and 'No'

  prompt-text="Like Pizza?"


The amp-story-interactive-img-poll element provides a voting experience with 2-4 options displayed in a grid, where all options are valid, selectable images. When selected, each option displays the total percentage of votes.

Display different categories based on user poll answers by pairing amp-story-interactive-img-poll with amp-story-interactive-results. Add a prompt for extra context.

    prompt-text="Where would you travel?"
    option-1-image-alt="Lake Tahoe"
    option-2-image-alt="Hong Kong"
    option-4-image-alt="Grand Canyon">


The amp-story-interactive-img-quiz element provides a guessing experience with 2-4 image options, one of which is correct. It displays the voting percentages after the user makes a selection. The user selection is green if correct and red if incorrect.

Display different categories based on percentage of correct user answers by pairing amp-story-interactive-img-quiz with amp-story-interactive-results. Add a prompt for extra context.

    prompt-text="Which of these structures is oldest?"
    option-1-image-alt="Statue of Liberty"
    option-2-image-alt="Golden Gate Bridge"
    option-3-image-alt="Christ the Redeemer"
    option-4-image-alt="Eiffel Tower">


The amp-story-interactive-poll element provides a voting experience with 2-4 options displayed vertically, where all options are valid. When selected, each option displays the total percentage of votes.

Display different categories based on user poll answers by pairing amp-story-interactive-poll with amp-story-interactive-results. Add a prompt for extra context.

    prompt-text="Pick a season"
    option-1-text="Spring" option-1-confetti="🌼"
    option-2-text="Summer" option-2-confetti="☀️"
    option-3-text="Fall" option-3-confetti="🍁"
    option-4-text="Winter" option-4-confetti="☃️">


The amp-story-interactive-quiz element provides a guessing experience with 2-4 options, one of which is correct. It displays the voting percentages after the user makes a selection. The user selection is green if correct and red if incorrect.

Display different categories based on percentage of correct user answers by pairing amp-story-interactive-quiz with amp-story-interactive-results. Add a prompt for extra context.

    prompt-text='Who was the artist that created the famous painting "The Last Supper"?'
    option-2-text="Leonardo da Vinci" option-2-correct option-2-confetti="🎨"
    option-4-text="Sandro Boticelli">


The amp-story-interactive-result element displays a customized state defined by the user's selection from previous polls or quizzes. This element requires use of polls or quizzes from previous pages to calculate an answer-based state. Each result category may include an image, title and description to display to the user.

Each category specifies its content option-{1/2/3/4}-{text/image/results-category} attributes, where -results-category refers to the name of the category, -image refers to the image that will be displayed if that category is selected, and -text refers to the description.

Results can feed its state from quizzes if all categories also specify option-{1/2/3/4}-results-threshold. If no categories have thresholds, the state will count the option-{1/2/3/4}-results-category from options selected in polls.

    prompt-text="You are a"
    option-1-results-category="Dog" option-1-image="dog.png"
    option-1-text="You always have energy and love being with friends. Outdoors is your favorite place"
    option-2-results-category="Cat" option-2-image="cat.png"
    option-2-text="Cats are great animals for WFH">


The amp-story-interactive-slider element provides a voting experience for values along a range. Users interact with the slider by dragging the thumb across the track, and release to vote. When selected, the average response is displayed.

Displays the percentage selected, or an emoji via the attribute option-1-text. Does not support pairing with amp-story-interactive-results, and can optionally have a prompt.

    style="--interactive-accent-color: #651ffe"
    prompt-text="How much do you like this product?"

Store and display user selection

All selectable interactive elements (amp-story-interactive-binary-poll, amp-story-interactive-img-poll, amp-story-interactive-img-quiz, amp-story-interactive-poll, amp-story-interactive-quiz) show the percentage of users that selected each option. The backend specified with the endpoint attribute will store the aggregate data for the interaction following the API described below. To fetch the data for an interactive element, the necessary fields are:

  • interactiveId: the base64encode(CANONICAL_URL) + "+" +
  • interactiveType: enum from amp-story-interactive-abstract:48
  • endpoint: the attribute element.getAttribute("endpoint")
  • ampId: client ID that identifies the session, optional

Then, the requests and responses are:

// Getting the votes for an interactive.
// If no client param, selected will always be false
// (can be used to display the results on a dashboard).

GET_URL = "{endpoint}/{interactiveId}?type={interactiveType}&client={ampId}"

Response: {
"options": [
{"index": 0, "selected": false, "count": 0},
{"index": 1, "selected": false, "count": 5},
{"index": 2, "selected": false, "count": 7},
{"index": 3, "selected": false, "count": 2}

Quizzes and polls support up to 4 options (corresponding to the answers), sliders support 101 options (corresponoding to the percentages 0-100).

// Posting the vote for an interactive. Client param is required.

POST_URL = "{endpoint}/{interactiveId}:vote?type={interactiveType}&client={ampId}"
POST_BODY = {'option_selected': 1}

Response: No response necessary

Backends need to be specified on the necessary components (binary-poll, poll, quiz), and can be deployed by publishers, tools or others.

User information dialog

The amp-story-interactive component reports aggregated user response statistics to a backend service. An information dialog explains to users how their responses are handled and aggregated.

The information dialog shows the domain of the url passed in the endpoint attribute by default. Backend owners may add their domain into a lookup file to provide users with clearer information with regards to how their data is being used and collected, but it is not required for the backend to work. When using a listed backend, the information dialog displays a string representing the entity that receives the data and a "Learn more" link. Backend owners can include their information for users in the disclaimer-backends-list.json by submitting a pull request on GitHub.

Valid information fields are:

  • learnMoreUrl: The URL of a page that includes more information on data collection by the backend.
  • entityName: A string that represents the entity that receives the data.


The interactive experience elements from amp-story-interactive share an API language for customizing options.

id (required for binary-poll, img-poll, img-quiz, poll, quiz, slider)

Element ID that identifies the interactive component in the story. Used to compose the interactiveId sent to the backend. Should be unique for each component in the story.

endpoint (required for binary-poll, img-poll, img-quiz, poll, quiz, slider)

Complete URL of backend. Stores interactive element votes.

theme (optional)

Controls the color of the chips and text. Can be light (default), dark.

chip-style (optional for img-poll, img-quiz, poll, quiz, results, slider)

Controls the style of the component. Can be flat (default), shadow, or transparent. Results, binary-poll, sliders, img-poll, and img-quiz elements don't support shadow.

prompt-text (optional)

Adds a prompt to the top of the component. Use prompt-text to write the poll/quiz question, or as a prefix to the category in the amp-story-interactive-result element.

prompt-size (optional for binary-poll, img-poll, img-quiz, poll, quiz, slider)

Controls the font-size of prompt text. Can be small, medium (default), large. Large prompts will hold up to 3 lines of text, other sizes will hold up to 4 lines of text.

This attribute does not apply styling to amp-story-interactive-result category prefix text.

option-{1/2/3/4}-text (required for binary-poll, poll, quiz, results)

String that represents a numbered option. Binary polls require 2 options. Polls and quizzes may include between 2 and 4 options. Sliders may include 1 option for an optional emoji.

The amp-story-interactive-result element uses this string value as category description.

option-{1/2/3/4}-image (required for img-poll, img-quiz, optional for results)

Path to an image that represents a numbered option, for anywhere between 2 to 4 options.

The amp-story-interactive-result element uses this path as a visual category description.

Large, high quality images assets are unnecessary since they are displayed in small containers, so it's best to keep image assets small to enhance performance. A minimum of 170 x 170 pixels is recommended, and up to 250 x 250 pixels if the results component is being used.

option-{1/2/3/4}-image-alt (required for img-poll, img-quiz)

Text description of the image for the corresponding option used for accessibility.

option-{1/2/3/4}-confetti (optional for binary-poll, img-poll, img-quiz, poll, quiz)

Emoji that bursts in an explosion animation when selecting an options. On quizzes, only the correct option should have a confetti.

option-{1/2/3/4}-results-category (optional for img-poll and poll, required for results)

The name of the category on the amp-story-interactive-results element. Shows in large text after the prompt-text and before the category description. It displays category with the most options selected in polls from the entire story if option-{1/2/3/4}-results-threshold is not defined.

On polls it links the options to the result with that name as mentioned above. The string has to match perfectly for the options to link.


    prompt-text="What's your favorite food"
    option-1-results-category="Bunny" option-1-text="Carrots"
    option-2-results-category="Dog" option-2-text="Bones"
    option-3-results-category="Cat" option-3-text="Fish">

<!-- Each option in the poll above will count towards a category in the result's state, linked using the `option-{1/2/3/4}-results-category` attribute. Stories should have many polls with linked categories, but in this example we only show one. -->

    prompt-text="You are a"
    option-1-results-category="Dog" option-1-image="dog.png"
    option-2-results-category="Cat" option-2-image="cat.png"
    option-3-results-category="Bunny" option-3-image="bunny.png">

option-{1/2/3/4}-results-threshold (optional for results)

Determines the lower boundary for the amp-story-interactive-results category when linked to quiz elements. The component calculates a score from a percentage (between 0 and 100) of questions answered correctly. It displays the category that is lower or equal to the score. If all thresholds are higher than the score, it displays the category with the lowest score. If a threshold is present for any option, all other options also need a threshold.


<!-- State is "beginner" if less than 80% of the quizzes were correct, state is "expert" otherwise. -->

    prompt-text="Your level is"
    option-1-results-category="Beginner" option-1-image="beginner.png"
    option-2-results-category="Expert" option-2-image="expert.png"


View all theming options in action in the example story.

View and play with amp-story-interactive elements and styles in this Codepen collection!

CSS Variables

Style all amp-story-interactive elements with CSS variables and attributes. Override default variables by assigning a class to the element.

  • --interactive-accent-color: The accent color of the component.
  • --interactive-prompt-text-color: Color of the top text where applicable (elements with prompts or results with thresholds).
  • --interactive-prompt-background: Background of the top text where applicable (elements with prompts or results with thresholds but no images). Can be a color (including transparent) or CSS gradient.
  • --interactive-prompt-alignment: Alignment of the prompt where applicable (elements with prompts). Will default to center if the component has the transparent style or if it's a binary poll, otherwise it will default to initial.


The theme attribute controls the chip color and text color of the component. Can be light (default) or dark. The chip-style attribute controls the style details of the component. Can be flat (default), shadow or transparent.


All amp-story-interactive elements use the container layout, so the width can be manipulated but the height is automatically computed. You may override the font-size on the element to any value in rems, ems, or other units, and the element will scale accordingly. You may override the width to any value between the max and min widths (explained below) using CSS to update the element's aspect ratio.

The default font-size is 3*var(--story-page-vmin) so that elements take 75% of the width of portrait stories, independently of the screen size.

The amp-story-interactive-poll and amp-story-interactive-quiz elements have a min-width: 14em and max-width: 25em. The amp-story-interactive-binary-poll, amp-story-interactive-img-poll, amp-story-interactive-img-quiz, and amp-story-interactive-results elements have a min-width: 14em and max-width: 18em.

Sizing within amp-story-grid-layer[aspect-ratio]

It's possible to use the aspect-ratio layer in order to create layouts that will scale perfectly with different screen sizes, by setting the font-size in ems or % on the component. Users should not use pixels and they don't scale accordingly with different screen sizes.

The width can be set either in ems or percentages of the parent width, and it will behave perfectly consistent (while keeping it between the min and max widths).

<amp-story-grid-layer template="fill" aspect-ratio="400:600">

  <div class="center-quiz">

Adaptive font sizes for options

Polls and binary polls can adapt their font-sizes according to the content types. Depending on the number of lines that they have for the option text, they can increase or decrease the font size. The font-size will default to the largest possible that accommodates all the texts measured. For instance, if one of the options requires a small font-size (because it has a lot of text) but the other options don't, all the involved text elements will use a small font-size. Note that this only optimizes the content of the options to fit better, but they don't change the inherent size of the elements.

Binary polls only on post-selection will show different font-sizes for the options. They will hold a large font-size if all the options are either emojis or have short texts (length <= 3). The element will use medium font-size if at least one of the options are longer than 3 characters but both can be displayed in one line; and small font-size if at least one option has two lines.

Polls will also adapt the font-size of the options depending on the content. If all the options fit in one line, they will use a large font-size. If any of the options require 2 lines, all the options will reduce in size to accommodate the option text in the chip.

For a live demo, check out the binary-poll and poll Codepens, and change the option texts (be sure to select "Answered" on the binary-poll demo to see the size change).


Enhance interactivity by adding an animation to the element when entering the page or when transitioning from option selection to data display. Pick from the amp-story animations and add the animate-in attribute to desired elements.


The amp-story-interactive component elements support amp-analytics. Report a selected option by adding the story-interactive event to your configuration:

  • storyInteractiveId: the element id
  • storyInteractiveResponse: the option selected
  • storyInteractiveType: the enum InteractiveType
<amp-analytics id="my-analytics">
  <script type="application/json">
      "requests": {
        "interactive": "${storyInteractiveId}&response=${storyInteractiveResponse}"
      "triggers": {
        "interactiveSelected": {
          "on": "story-interactive",
          "request": "interactive"

Accessibility considerations

Currently, this component lacks keyboard and screen reader accessibility.


See validation rules in amp-story-interactive validator.

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