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Automatically generates analytics configs for stories.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-story-auto-analytics" src=""></script>

The amp-story-auto-analytics component configures amp-analytics on a story with useful analytics events for a Google Analytics gtag.

  <amp-story-auto-analytics gtag-id="G-12345678"></amp-story-auto-analytics>


gtag-id (required)

Google Analytics ID used to link the story to the analytics account.


The following analytics triggers are dispatched when using the amp-story-auto-analytics component:


Fired once per story view. It includes the following parameters:

Parameter Value
ea (event_action) story_page_count
ec (event_category) Title of the story (<title> tag in the HTML of the Web Story)
el (event_label) Length of the story in number of pages


Fired once the last page of the story has been viewed. It includes the following parameters:

Parameter Value
ea (event_action) story_complete
ec (event_category) Title of the story (<title> tag in the HTML of the Web Story)
el (event_label) Title of the story (<title> tag in the HTML of the Web Story)


Fired once a page has been viewed. It includes the following parameters:

Parameter Value
ea (event_action) story_pages_viewed
ec (event_category) Title of the story (<title> tag in the HTML of the Web Story)
el (event_label) Index of the page viewed (starting with index 0)
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