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Dynamic Accordion


This code snippet shows how you can dynamically update data in amp-accordionsections using amp-bind and amp-list.


Import the amp-accordion component to display content in accordion.

<script async custom-element="amp-accordion" src=""></script>

Import the amp-bind component to update accordion state based on user input.

<script async custom-element="amp-bind" src=""></script>

Import the amp-list component to dynamically display the names of hot or cold countries.

<script async custom-element="amp-list" src=""></script>

Import the amp-mustache component to dynamically display items from amp-list.

<script async custom-template="amp-mustache" src=""></script>


The input section sets amp-state as {climate: 1} if 'Hot' is selected and {climate: 2} if 'Cold' is selected. The amp-accordion is hidden by default, but displayed if climate != 0 (so either hot or cold must be selected).

<input type="radio" id="f-option1" name="selector1" role="button" tabindex="0" on="change:AMP.setState({climate:(event.checked) ? 1 : 0})">
<label for="f-option1">Warm</label>
<input type="radio" id="f-option2" name="selector1" on="change:AMP.setState({climate: (event.checked) ? 2 : 0})" role="button" tabindex="0">
<label for="f-option2">Cold</label>


Each amp-accordion section is a different continent, therefore the climateCountries data also must be filtered by continent. This filtering is done in the [src] section of amp-list. Additionally, height is dynamically set based on number of items in filtered state.

The src for climateCountries is dynamic based on user input. If {climate == 1} then climateCountries data is pulled from the hot.json file. Else, if {climate == 2} then climateCountries data is pulled from the cold.json file

<div id="accordion" [hidden]="climate == 0" hidden>
  <p>The accordion below lists countries, organized by continent, that match the climate you chose. </p>
  <amp-state id="climateCountries" [src]="climate == 1 ? '/static/samples/json/hot.json': climate == 2 ? '/static/samples/json/cold.json': ''">
        <amp-list layout="fixed-height" height="0" binding="refresh" [src]="climateCountries.countries.filter(country => country.continent == 'Asia')" [is-layout-container]="true">
          <template type="amp-mustache">
        <amp-list layout="fixed-height" height="0" binding="refresh" [src]="climateCountries.countries.filter(country => country.continent == 'Europe')" [is-layout-container]="true">
          <template type="amp-mustache">
        South America
        <amp-list layout="fixed-height" height="0" binding="refresh" [src]="climateCountries.countries.filter(country => country.continent == 'South America')" [is-layout-container]="true">
          <template type="amp-mustache">
        North America
        <amp-list layout="fixed-height" height="0" binding="refresh" [src]="climateCountries.countries.filter(country => country.continent == 'North America')" [is-layout-container]="true">
          <template type="amp-mustache">
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