The amp-3d-gltf
component displays 3D models that are in glTF format. The doc describing this element can be found here
Note: A WebGL capable browser is required to display these models.
Import the amp-3d-gltf
component in the header.
<script async custom-element="amp-3d-gltf" src=""></script>
Basic Usage
Embed 3d model via the src
<amp-3d-gltf layout="fixed" width="320" height="240" src="/static/samples/glTF/DamagedHelmet.glb"></amp-3d-gltf>
You can customize the 3D model using these attributes:
* src
- A required attribute that specifies the URL to the glTF file.
* alpha
- A Boolean attribute that specifies whether free space on canvas is transparent. By default, free space is filled with black. Default value is false
* antialiasing
- A Boolean attribute that specifies whether to turn on antialiasing. Default value is false
* maxPixelRatio
- A numeric value that specifies the upper limit for the pixelRatio render option. The default is window.devicePixelRatio
* autoRotate
- A Boolean attribute that specifies whether to automatically rotate the camera around the model's center. Default value is false
* enableZoom
- A Boolean attribute that specifies whether to turn on zoom. Default value is true
<amp-3d-gltf layout="fixed" width="320" height="240" alpha="true" antialiasing="true" autorotate="true" enablezoom="false" src="/static/samples/glTF/DamagedHelmet.glb"></amp-3d-gltf>
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Written by @mixtur