Kelompok Kerja
Mendorong Lebih Banyak Suara di AMP

Kelompok Kerja AMP adalah segmen komunitas yang memiliki pengetahuan/minat dalam bidang AMP tertentu. Kelompok Kerja dibentuk oleh Komite Pengarah Teknis AMP.
Sebagian besar Kelompok Kerja memberikan pembaruan status dua mingguan dan menyajikan pembaruan tingkat tinggi triwulanan secara bergiliran di Tinjauan Desain.
Kelompok Kerja AMP adalah:
Kelompok Kerja
Responsible for AMPHTML's validator and features related to AMPHTML caches.
Fasilitator Caching adalah: @gregable
Bahasan Terkini
Greg Grothaus
Amaltas Bohra
@amaltasBoxiao Cao
@antiphotonAllan Banaag
@banaagAndrew Gaul
@gaulGeorge Luo
@honeybadgerdontcareHiroshi Mizuno
@hiroshimizunoJeff Jose
@jeffjoseHiroki Kumazaki
@kumagiGreg Grothaus (Facilitator)
@gregableYu Sugawara
@gusmachineMike Rybak
@michaelrybakNhan Thuan Nguyen
@nhant01Tomoki Nakagawa
@tomokinatDevin Mullins
@twifkakYusuke Izumi
@yuizumiYuncheng Zhu
@yunchengzSaluran Komunikasi
Caching Working Group members will use #wg-caching
channel on AMP's Slack (signup) for real-time discussion. The channel is open to anyone, regardless of membership in UI working group. However, support is better suited to the #caching-discuss
, #signed-exchanges
, and #validator-discuss
Caching Working Group will post Status Updates every two weeks as an issue labeled with Type: Status Update
in this repository.
Caching Working Group will post Announcements and Notices regarding events as an issue labeled with Type: Event
in this repository.