• email

Article Bookmark Email


This sample demonstrates how to let users perform an asynchronous action (bookmarking an article) in an AMP email.

It leverages the amp-form extension to send a request to the server without the user leaving their e-mail client.


Additionally used AMP components must be imported in the header. We use amp-form to submit bookmark requests to the server.

<script async custom-element="amp-form" src=""></script>

We use amp-mustache to render the result of a form submission.

<script async custom-template="amp-mustache" src=""></script>


We display a simple summary of the article in the email.

Sample article

This is a short summary of a sample article. The user can choose to continue reading on the website or bookmark it to their account for later.

<h1>Sample article</h1>
<p>This is a short summary of a sample article. The user can choose to continue reading on the website or bookmark it to their account for later.</p>

We show a "bookmark" button under the article, which sends a bookmark request to the server asynchronously via amp-form.

Because there is no authentication for outgoing XHR calls from AMP email messages, all authentication should be done using access tokens. In this example, this token is represented with 123abc. In a real-life scenario, this hidden input field auth_token would contain a real server-side validated limited-use access token.

An error occurred.
<form action-xhr="" method="post">
  <input type="hidden"
  <input type="hidden"
  <button type="submit">
  <div submit-success>
    <template type="amp-mustache">
  <div submit-error>An error occurred.</div>
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