Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format email!



A single layer of a single page of an AMP story, which allows linking to other content.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-story" src=""></script>

Notice: amp-story-cta-layer is depreciated see I2D issue for details. Use amp-story-page-outlink instead.


The <amp-story-cta-layer> component allows the usage of <a> and <button> elements inside an <amp-story-page>.

  • The <amp-story-cta-layer> element may not appear on the first story page.
  • If specified, the <amp-story-cta-layer> element must be the last layer within an <amp-story-page>.
  • Every <amp-story-page> (except the first) can have exactly one or exactly zero of the <amp-story-cta-layer> element.
  • Positioning and sizing of this layer cannot be controlled. It is always 100% width of the page, 20% height of the page, and aligned to the bottom of the page.

Both amp-story-cta-layer and amp-story-page-attachment( must be the last child tag of an amp-story-page. Because of this, you may include neither or one, but not both.

<amp-story-page id="vertical-template-thirds">
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="thirds">
    <div class="content" grid-area="upper-third">Paragraph 1</div>
    <div class="content" grid-area="middle-third">Paragraph 2</div>
    <div class="content" grid-area="lower-third">Paragraph 3</div>
    <a href="" class="button">Outlink here!</a>

Complete example found in the examples directory

Valid children

The amp-story-cta-layer allows mostly the same descendants as amp-story-grid-layer, and additionally allows <a> and <button> tags.

For an updated list of supported children, be sure to take a look at the amp-story-cta-layer-allowed-descendants field in the validation rules.


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