• websites

AMP Ads vs non-AMP Ads


This sample compares the performance of an AMPHTML ad vs a regular ad. To best compare these two, either view the demo page on a mobile device with an active 3G connection or, on desktop, enable network throttling in Chrome Dev Tools (e.g. "Regular 3G").

An AMPHTML ad is an one where the ad is written in AMP HTML. A valid AMPHTML ad does not contain arbitrary JavaScript. All JavaScript in an AMPHTML ad comes from the open source AMP project which is blessed by the AMP project maintainers. As a result, when an ad is created in AMP, it is always guaranteed to do the right thing from a user experience standpoint.


The ad unit serves an AMPHTML ad profiting from the optimized AMPHTML ad delivery.

<amp-ad data-slot="/30497360/a4a/a4a_native" height="250" type="doubleclick" width="300"></amp-ad>

Regular Ad

This ad unit serves a regular ad.

<amp-ad data-slot="/30497360/a4a/non_a4a_native" height="250" type="doubleclick" width="300"></amp-ad>

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