Dynamic Content After User-Interaction
This is a sample showing how to show dynamic content after an user interaction: the product availability will be shown based on product selection.
We use amp-bind
to dynamically update the page content.
<script async custom-element="amp-bind" src="https://cdn.ampproject.org/v0/amp-bind-0.1.js"></script>
How to get dynamic content
By using amp-bind
and amp-state
with a JSON end-point, a user can get up-to-date data after an interaction. As amp-bind
statements are not evaluated on page load, the updated state is only available after an user interaction, which works well for use cases such as specific product availability.

<amp-state id="products" src="/static/samples/json/products.json"></amp-state>
<amp-img on="tap:AMP.setState({ productId: 0})" src="/static/samples/img/red_apple_1_60x40.jpg" width="60" height="40" role="button" tabindex="0">
<amp-img on="tap:AMP.setState({ productId: 1})" src="/static/samples/img/green_apple_1_60x40.jpg" width="60" height="40" role="button" tabindex="0">
<amp-img on="tap:AMP.setState({ productId: 2})" src="/static/samples/img/product1_alt1_60x40.jpg" width="60" height="40" role="button" tabindex="0">
<div [text]="products[productId] + ' available'">Please select a product</div>
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Written by @kul3r4