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Displays elements in a full-viewport “lightbox” modal.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-lightbox" src=""></script>

Supported Layouts

Ví dụ


The amp-lightbox component defines child elements that display in a full-viewport overlay/modal. When the user taps or clicks an element (e.g., a button), the amp-lightbox ID referenced in the clicked element's on attribute triggers the lightbox to take up the full viewport and displays the child elements of the amp-lightbox.

For showing images in a lightbox, there's also the <amp-image-lightbox> component. To show a gallery of images in a lightbox, you can use <amp-lightbox-gallery>.

Standalone use outside valid AMP documents

Bento allows you to use AMP components in non-AMP pages without needing to commit to fully valid AMP. You can take these components and place them in implementations with frameworks and CMSs that don't support AMP. Read more in our guide Use AMP components in non-AMP pages.

To find the standalone version of amp-lightbox, see bento-lightbox.



A unique identifier for the lightbox.

layout (required)

Must be set to nodisplay.


Defines the style of animation for opening the lightbox. By default, this will be set to fade-in. Valid values are fade-in, fly-in-bottom, and fly-in-top.

This attribute can be configured to use different options based on a media query.


When the scrollable attribute is present, the content of the lightbox can scroll when overflowing the height of the lightbox.


open (default)

Opens the lightbox.


Closes the lightbox.


You can style the amp-lightbox with standard CSS.


Pressing the escape key on the keyboard or setting focus on an element outside the lightbox closes the lightbox. Alternatively, setting the on attribute on one or more elements within the lightbox and setting its method to close closes the lightbox when the element is tapped or clicked. Once closed, the focus will be sent back to the trigger element.

For accessibility reasons, if the user does not provide a focus in the lightbox on open (using autofocus attribute or forcing focus on open), the focus will be set on the first element using on:tap. Otherwise, a close button only visible to screen readers, optionally using data-close-button-aria-label attribute value, will be created and focused on.

<button on="tap:quote-lb">See Quote</button>
<amp-lightbox id="quote-lb" layout="nodisplay">
    "Don't talk to me about JavaScript fatigue" - Horse JS
  <button on="tap:quote-lb.close">Nice!</button>

Version notes

The experimental 1.0 version of amp-lightbox employs the following differences from version 0.1:

  • This component does not currently support modifying browser history state.
  • data-close-button-aria-label is not supported and will soon be replaced with support for slot="close-button".
  • animate-in has been renamed to animation.
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