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Custom video captions rendering.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-story-captions" src=""></script>

The amp-story-captions component allows custom video captions rendering.


The captions-id value on amp-video connects the two components. This must be the same value as the id on the amp-story-captions component.

  <amp-video captions-id="captions" src="...">
    <track src="..."></track>
  <div>This text appears above the captions</div>
  <amp-story-captions id="captions" layout="fixed-height" height="300"></amp-story-captions>
  <div>This text appears below captions</div>


container layout in this component is different than other components because the HTML tree does not determine its size. Instead, the text height of the dynamically loaded captions determine the size. Thus it may cause CLS if the caption content changes while playing the video or audio.


The position of the captions is controlled by the position of the amp-story-captions element. Properties like font-size and line-height can be specified using CSS on amp-story-captions itself.

To allow more granular control, we expose amp-story-captions-future to control the style of future parts of the cue for karaoke-style captions.

amp-story-captions {
  color: white;
  font-size: 24px;
  padding: 16px;

// Words not spoken yet shown in gray.
.amp-story-captions-future {
  color: gray;

Style presets

The optional style-preset attribute applies pre made styles to amp-story-captions. The accepted values are default and appear.

Style presets are not affected by custom CSS. Some customizable options are provided by defining CSS variables on the amp-story-captions element.


The default preset renders the captions to match the Web Stories system UI.


  <amp-video captions-id="captions" src="...">
    <track src="..."></track>


The appear preset fades in text based on its timestamp.

font-size and font-family can optionally be customized in this preset by defining --story-captions-font-size and --story-captions-font-family CSS variables within the style attribute of the amp-story-captions component.


<!-- imported font in head of document -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <amp-video captions-id="captions" src="...">
    <track src="..."></track>
    style="--story-captions-font-size: .8em; --story-captions-font-family: 'Shadows Into Light'"


See validation rules in amp-story-captions validator.

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