Supported Platforms, Vendors and Partners

A growing number of platforms, vendors, and partners support the AMP Project by providing custom components or offering integration with AMP pages within their platforms.

Quảng cáo

  1. 1wo
  2. 24smi
  3. 4wMarketplace
  4. A8net
  5. A9
  6. AccessTrade
  7. Ad.Agio - Neodata Group
  8. Adblade
  9. AdButler
  10. Adenza
  11. Adform
  12. AdFox
  13. Ad Generation
  14. AdGlare
  15. Adhese
  16. AdinCube
  17. ADITION technologies AG
  18. Adman
  19. Admanmedia
  20. AdMatic
  21. Admixer
  22. Adnuntius
  23. AdOcean
  24. Adop
  25. AdPicker
  26. AdPlugg
  27. Adpon
  28. Adpushup
  29. AdReactor
  31. AdSensor
  32. AdServSolution
  33. AdsKeeper
  34. AdsLoom
  35. AdsNative
  36. AdSpeed
  37. AdSpirit
  38. AdStir
  39. AdStyle
  40. Adsviu
  41. AdTech
  42. Adtelligent
  43. AdThrive
  44. AdUnity
  45. AdUp Technology
  46. Adventive
  47. Adverline
  48. Adverticum
  49. AdvertServe
  50. Adyoulike
  51. AffiliateB
  52. Affinity
  53. AJA
  54. AMoAd
  55. Bandsintown Amplified
  56. andbeyond
  57. Aniview
  58. AnyClip
  59. AppMonsta
  60. AppNexus
  61. AppVador
  62. Atomx
  63. Avantis Video
  64. Baidu
  65. BeaverAds
  66. Bidgear
  67. Bidtellect
  68. Blade
  69. brainy
  70. Bringhub
  71. Broadbandy
  72. Broadstreet Ads
  73. ByPlay
  74. CA A.J.A. Infeed
  75. Rambler&Co
  76. CA ProFit-X
  77. Cedato
  78. Clever
  79. Cognativex
  80. Colombia
  81. colombiafeed
  83. Connatix
  84. Inline Ad
  85. Criteo
  86. Custom Search Ads
  87. Dable
  88. DigitalExchange
  89. Digiteka
  90. Directadvert
  91. DistroScale
  92. DotAndAds
  93. DynAd
  94. eADV
  95. Empower
  96. Engageya
  97. Basic
  98. e-planning
  99. EXCO
  100. Ezoic
  101. FlexOneELEPHANT
  102. F1H
  103. Fairground
  104. FeedAd
  105. felmat
  106. finative
  108. Flite
  109. fluct
  110. Fork Media
  111. FreeWheel
  112. Fusion
  113. Gecko
  114. Geniee SSP
  115. Geozo
  116. Giraff
  117. Glomex
  118. GMOSSP
  119. GumGum
  120. Holder
  121. iBILLBOARD AdServer
  122. Idealmedia
  123. Imedia
  124. IMobile
  125. Imonomy
  126. Improve Digital
  127. IncrementX
  128. Industrybrains
  129. InMobi
  130. Innity
  131. Insticator
  132. InsurAds
  133. Invibes
  134. Iprom
  135. Index Exchange AMP RTC
  136. JIOADS
  137. JIXIE
  138. JUBNA
  139. Kargo
  140. Ketshwa
  141. Kiosked
  142. Kixer
  143. Kuadio
  144. Ligatus
  145. LockerDome
  146. logly
  147. Example
  148. LuckyAds
  149. Macaw
  150. MADS
  151. MANTIS® Ad Network
  152. Marfeel
  153. Mediaad
  155. Mediavine
  156. Medyanet
  157. Meg
  158. MGID
  159. MicroAd
  160. Mixi.Media
  161. Mixpo
  162. Momagic
  163. Monetizer101
  165. My6sense
  166. MyFinance
  167. myoffrz
  168. myTarget
  169. MYUA
  170. myWidget
  171. nativeroll
  172. Nativery
  173. Nativo
  174. Navegg
  175. Nend
  176. netletix
  177. Noddus
  178. Nokta
  179. Newsroom AI
  180. Oblivki
  181. OneAD
  182. OnNetwork
  183. Open AdStream (OAS)
  184. OpenX
  185. Opinary
  186. Outbrain
  187. PIberica
  188. Pixad
  189. Pixels
  190. PlayStream
  191. plista
  192. PolymorphicAds
  193. popIn
  194. Postquare
  195. PPStudio
  196. Pressboard
  197. PromoteIQ
  198. PubExchange
  199. Pubfuture
  200. PubGuru
  201. pubmatic
  202. Pubmine
  203. Example
  204. puffnetwork
  205. Pulse
  206. PulsePoint
  207. Purch
  208. Quora
  209. r9x
  210. Rakuten Unified Ads
  211. Rb.Infox.SG
  212. Rcmwidget
  213. ReadMo
  214. Realclick
  215. recomAD widget
  216. Recreativ
  217. Relap
  218. Relap
  219. Remixd
  220. Revcontent
  221. RevJet
  222. Red for Publishers
  223. RnetPlus
  224. Rubicon Project
  225. RUNative
  226. Sabavision
  227. SAS CI 360 Match
  228. Seeding Alliance
  229. Seedtag
  230. Sekindo
  231. Sevio
  232. Sharethrough
  233. SHE Media
  235. Example
  236. SlimCut Media
  237. SmartAdServer
  238. smartclip
  239. Smi2
  240. SmileWanted
  241. Sogou
  242. Sona
  243. Sortable
  244. sovrn
  245. Speakol
  246. SpotX
  247. Spring AdTechnology
  248. SSP
  249. Strossle
  250. Sulvo
  251. SunMedia
  252. SVK Native
  253. Swoop
  254. Taboola
  255. Tagon
  256. Tail
  257. TcsEmotion
  258. Teads
  259. TE Medya
  260. Torimochi
  261. tracdelight
  262. TrafficStars
  263. TripleLift
  264. Trugaze
  265. UAS
  266. ucfunnel
  267. Unruly
  268. UZOU
  269. Valuecommerce
  270. VDO.AI
  271. video intelligence
  272. VideoNow
  273. Viralize
  274. vlyby
  275. VMFIve
  276. VOX
  277. Webedia Adserver
  278. Weborama
  279. Whopa InFeed
  280. Widespace
  281. Wisteria
  282. WP Media (Wirtualna Polska)
  283. Wunderkind (formerly BounceX)
  284. Xlift
  285. Yahoo Native-Display Ads Federation
  286. Yahoo JP
  287. Yahoo Native Ads
  288. Yandex
  289. Yektanet
  290. Yengo
  291. Yieldbot
  292. Yieldmo
  293. Yield One
  294. YieldPro
  295. Zedo
  296. Zen
  297. ZergNet
  298. Zucks

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