April 17 - 18

AMP Conf 2019

ようこそ from Tokyo, Japan

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The AMP team and community brought their yearly gathering to Tokyo for two days full of talks by developers for developers, all crafted to help you create a best-in-class user experience. Whether you're interested in rich animations, dynamic content, DevOps or monetization, we got you covered.

Discover all exciting news from Day 1

You couldn't make it to Tokyo but still want to know about all the exciting things happening around AMP? Checkout the highlights of Day 1 and even witness the AMP team unleashing the kraken!

See all of Day 1

Recap the highlights from Day 2

The second day of the conference also had a lot of awesome speakers and talks. Don't miss out on the latest news around Advertising & AMP, in depth details on Signed exchanges and many more!

See all of Day 2


  • 0800
  • 0930
    Opening Notes
    Crystal Lambert, Google
    Yusuke Utsunomiya, Google
    Welcome to AMP Conf 2019!
  • 0945
    Malte Ubl, Google
  • 1030
    The glory of amp-script: Unleashing the kraken
    Kristofer Baxter, Google
    AMP Documents have traditionally not allowed for custom JavaScript, relying on the well built large corpus of Web Components designed and validated to work within AMP. Today, we release the Kraken. We’ll introduce `amp-script`, allowing your custom JavaScript to operate within AMP Documents with reasonable limits. Now your custom logic can be expressed with the world’s most popular programming language.
  • 1100
    Coffee Break
  • 1130
    Everything I Know I Learned from AMP: Adopting an AMP Core Mindset
    Melissa DePuydt, WaPo
    Too often, engineers view AMP as "just one more thing to implement." In reality, AMP provides engineers with a series of guiding principles that can help them deliver more performant websites—even when it comes to non-AMP pages. So, what would happen if teams began to think with an AMP Core Mindset? In this talk, we will explore AMP's core design principles and unpack how businesses can (and should!) incorporate these principles into all aspects of their decision making, in order to help teams align on goals and make better decisions at every level.
  • 1200
    How We Make AMP Components a Great Experience for Everyone (Including Developers!)
    Andrew Watterson, Google
    A designer from the AMP team talks about how we go from feature requests to shipping components with great documentation. We draw up many versions of a feature to match the many ways AMP is used. We sit in cafes and talk to your users about how they use the web, and make changes based on their feedback. And since you are *our* users, we want to talk to you about how you work and how future AMP components can make your sites even better.
  • 1230
  • 1430 live!
    Sebastian Benz, Google
    Live coding! See how to use the latest and greatest AMP features.
  • 1500
    Next generation UX of EC-Cube, powered by AMP
    Kiyotaka Oku, EC-CUBE
    Mitsuhiro Naganuma, SUNDAY SYSTEMS, Inc.
    A PHP based CMS with more than 1.8M downloads and 30K+ live merchants, EC-CUBE now uses AMP to satisfy the UX of their end users. This session covers the journey of EC-CUBE AMPing their platform starting from converting existing Twig template to eventually making the site PWA using AMP. The general essence of how EC-CUBE adapted AMP into existing platform should be useful for not only CMSers but broader Web developers.
  • 1515
    Embracing a Mobile First Approach
    Perry Lally,
    The evolution of, how a retail giant has to shift mentality and adopt a mobile first approach. Site speed is king, and how do you ensure you win in this category and win for the customer.
  • 1530
    AMP Stories: The Story so far
    Jon Newmuis, Google
    Wei Hong, Google
    Join us for a whirlwind tour through everything new in AMP Stories. More details coming soon.
  • 1600
    Coffee Break
  • 1630
    Providing AMP service to tens of thousands of ecommerce sites
    Tommy Kang, Cafe24
    Jinhyoung Kil, Cafe24
    Introduce a journey of ‘cafe24’ from the early stage of its business to growing as a successful leading ecommerce platform. Describe a true meaning of AMP adaptation to ecommerce platform and how it could bring useful insights for the purpose of driving positive business change for both market and user from a platform provider point of view. Explain our e-commerce platform structure including the main CMS and the details of our AMP plugin along with the overall project in the presentation. Shows a demo to visualize a smooth AMP to AMP navigation and a visual comparison between non-AMP page and a pre rendered paired AMP page in WebPageTest. Lastly add comments on our next plan about leveraging AMP and key PWA technologies (which had been already launched and used by many of our merchants) in our business strategy as well as our upcoming plan in big picture.
  • 1645
    No power, no internet, no support: How AMP bridges the “app gap” in Iraq and other war-impacted region
    Levi Clancy, Re:Coded
    Balla Khadang, YouGov
    At the fringes of conventional considerations, users in war-impacted regions face restrictive app policies, incompatible u.x. assumptions, limited bandwidth, and little or no household electricity. AMP provides a toolkit to implement app-like, mobile-friendly, and quick-loading experiences that connect with users on the far side the “app gap” of access, infrastructure, and design. Gain a practical understanding of this poorly understood but highly impactful facet of design and implementation.
  • 1715
    What’s next in AMP
    Rudy Galfi, Google
    In this presentation, we wrap up the day with a summary of all of the key focus areas for AMP and talk about what the extended roadmap looks like.
  • 1730
    TSC Panel
    Crystal Lambert, Google (Moderator)
    Chris Papazian, Pinterest
    David Strauss, Pantheon
    Dima Voytenko, Google
    Malte Ubl, Google
    Paul Armstrong, Twitter
    Rudy Galfi, Google
    Saulo Santos, Microsoft
    Ask the new Technical Steering Committee of AMP any questions you have about the past, present and future of AMP.
  • 1800
  • 0900
    Crystal Lambert, Google
    Yusuke Utsunomiya, Google
    Welcome back to day two!
  • 0915
    Advertising & AMP: Driving ROI with speed
    Vamsee Jasti, Google
    Katharina Familia Almonte, Google
    Ajay Shukla, Adobe
    Takahiro Yasuda, So-net Media Networks
    AMP was developed first for web pages but we've found a number of those principles apply well for the advertising ecosystem. In this session, we'll talk about all the various ways AMP is being used for advertising, driving better return on investment (ROI).
  • 1000
    AMP as a service: Auto-upgraded, accelerated developer workflows
    Naina Raisinghani, Google
    As the number of frameworks increase, AMP stays the well lit path that allows engineering teams to make the best decisions for their users. Much like SaaS, by using AMP CTOs ensure their engineering teams are able to be more agile in creating forward looking experiences while being backward compatible.
  • 1030
    Coffee Break
  • 1100
    How we migrated our entire site to AMP without the user noticing
    Andrea Rosal Rebolledo,
    AMP provided us the opportunity of improving the performance of our website. We started adding AMP version for some pages, having both AMP and non-AMP pages running together. Based on results, we decided to keep just the AMP version, which we accomplished gradually without the user noticing the changes. We ended up with an almost 100% AMP site.
  • 1115
    Boring Content - Excited Users: The Power Of AMP Stories In Emerging Markets.
    Hans Pauwels, Tappable
    A smartphone is the default device to access the internet for people in emerging markets. Some developing economies are already leading the world in terms of social media use, mobile video consumption or online sales. Through our fintech activities in Kenya, we have first hand knowledge of user preferences and the difficulties of getting content read. We found the solution in Stories and we explain in detail why AMP Stories are ideal format to distribute content in emerging markets.
  • 1130
    Chrome + AMP in 2019
    Kenji Baheux, Google
    Kinuko Yasuda, Google
    At AMP conf 2018, we announced the beginnings of a collaborative effort between Chrome and AMP to enable instant and seamless user experiences on the web and make AMP more straightforward for publishers. Come see the progress we have made, hear about new projects we are working on to help developers be more successful, and how our work benefits AMP, the web and users.
  • 1200
    Google Leadership Panel
    Monisha Varadan, Google (Moderator)
    David Besbris, Google
    Ryoichi Imaizumi, Google
    Dion Almaer, Google
    Malte Ubl, Google
    Meet Google leadership from Google Search and Google Chrome to discuss AMP and the future of content experiences on the web and at Google.
    Submit questions
  • 1230
  • 1430
    AMP for Email: pushing the boundaries of email with AMP
    Aakash Sahney, Google
    Filip Stanis, Google
    Michael Wuergler, Doodle
    Anirudh Khanna, OYO Rooms
    AMP for Email arrives to revolutionize how users interact with content in email.
  • 1515
    Signed exchanges for better AMP URLs and easier analytics
    Greg Grothaus, Google
    Come for better URLs and stay for easier analytics and dynamic data handling! Get a primer on Signed exchanges and how to use them in Google Search.
  • 1530
    Maximize Yahoo! JAPAN’s UX with AMP and Signed HTTP Exchanges
    Hirohito Komada, Yahoo! JAPAN
    Shigeki Ohtsu, Yahoo! JAPAN
    Ryo Munakata, Yahoo! JAPAN
    Yahoo! JAPAN, owning multiple high traffic services such as the search platform and various commerce sites, worked on adapting Signed HTTP Exchanges both as a platformer and a publisher. The session will walk through the technical details on how Yahoo! JAPAN deployed the AMP packager and serving Signed AMP to SERP. The next-gen way of using AMP is here.
  • 1600
    Coffee Break
  • 1630
    Generating AMP Pages with JavaScript and Vue.js
    Cristian Ronzio, Musement Spa
    Fabio Zecchini, Musement Spa
    Decreasing load times on our money pages: How and why we moved our most frequented transactional pages to AMP.
  • 1700
    AMP Experiences in WordPress, the WordPress Way
    Jeanny Haliman, Google
    Alberto Medina, Google
    Enabling first-class AMP experiences on WordPress is one of the ways the AMP Project aims to bring a user-first experience to websites and content on the web. The Official AMP Plugin for WordPress integrates AMP content creation seamlessly with standard WordPress content creation workflows. In this talk we describe in detail how the AMP plugin for WordPress works, how to take advantage of it, and showcase some salient success stories of WordPress sites using the plugin in the wild.
  • 1730
    Measuring success: What's new in AMP analytics & experiments
    Jeffrey Jose, Google
    Hear about the new developments in analytics and experimentation, without compromising performance or speed.
  • 1800


David Besbris


Vamsee Jasti


Paul Bakaus


Malte Ubl


Rudy Galfi


Sebastian Benz


Alberto Medina


Jon Newmuis


Aakash Sahney


Melissa DePuydt


Andrew Watterson


Perry Lally

Wei Hong


Levi Clancy


Balla Khadang


Jeffrey Jose


Crystal Lambert


Yusuke Utsunomiya


Naina Raisinghani


Andrea Rosal Rebolledo

Hirohito Komada

Yahoo! JAPAN

Shigeki Ohtsu

Yahoo! JAPAN

Ryo Munakata

Yahoo! JAPAN

Cristian Ronzio

Musement Spa

Fabio Zecchini

Musement Spa

Hans Pauwels


Jeanny Haliman


Kristofer Baxter


Katharina Familia Almonte


Kiyotaka Oku


Mitsuhiro Naganuma


Chris Papazian


David Strauss


Dima Voytenko


Paul Armstrong


Saulo Santos


Tommy Kang


Jinhyoung Kil


Kenji Baheux


Kinuko Yasuda


Filip Stanis


Ajay Shukla


Takahiro Yasuda

So-net Media Networks

Monisha Varadan


Greg Grothaus


Ryoichi Imaizumi


Dion Almaer


Michael Wuergler


Anirudh Khanna

OYO Rooms

To Be Announced

AMP Conf


Roppongi Academy Hills, Tokyo

〒106-6149 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Roppongi 6 Chome−6−10-1 六本木ヒルズ森タワー49階 Japan

..and live-streamed around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost anything?

No - tickets are free of charge.

What language will the talks be in?

All talks are being simultaneously presented and streamed in English and Japanese.

Do I have to register for the live-stream?

No! The registration is only for on-site attendees that physically attend the conference. Come back here to this site on April 17th for a link and embed of the live-stream.

Who is the event for?

Web developers and designers who have used AMP and want to create even better AMP experiences, who haven't used AMP and are curious or want to contribute to AMP to make it better for everyone, and the web at large.

Does registering mean I am all set to attend?

Not yet. While your chances of getting a seat are pretty good, we will confirm attendees on a case-by-case basis to ensure we attract the right audience. Note that your seat is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation code.

When will I hear back if I have a spot?

We'll try to confirm you within less than a week!

What determines if I have a spot?

The AMP Conf is a mainly developer and designer focused event (read: the people actually creating AMP experiences). If you're non-technical, you may still apply but you'll have a slimmer chance of getting through (and you'll enjoy the conf less!).
