

Manages an animated image, typically a GIF.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-anim" src=""></script>


The amp-anim component displays a GIF animation with optimized CPU management.

The amp-anim component lets the AMP framework reduce the resources it spends on the animation when it's off-screen. Otherwise, the behavior of amp-anim is identical to amp-img. You can implement a placeholder element to further optimize amp-anim.

<amp-anim width="400" height="300" src="my-gif.gif">
  <amp-img placeholder width="400" height="300" src="my-gif-screencap.jpg">



Specifies the URL for a GIF image.


Specifies the image URL to use in different circumstances. Operates the same as the srcset attribute on the img tag.


Provides a string of alternate text for accessibility purposes. Operates the same as the alt attribute on the img tag.


Indicates the attribution of the image. For example, attribution="CC courtesy of Cats on Flicker".

width and height

Provides the explicit size of the image.

Common attributes

amp-anim includes the common attributes extended to AMP components.


You can directly style amp-anim with CSS properties. The following example sets a grey background placeholder:

<style amp-custom>
  .amp-anim {
      background-color: grey;


See amp-anim rules in the AMP validator specification.

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