Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format ads!
Displays an AOL O2Player.
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-o2-player" src=""></script>
Supported Layouts
The width
and height
attributes determine the aspect ratio of the player embedded in responsive layouts.
<amp-o2-player data-pid="12345" data-bcid="5678" data-bid="54321" data-vid="98765" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270" > </amp-o2-player>
data-pid (required) | The Player ID for the O2Player. |
data-bcid (required) | The Buyer Company ID (bcid) for the O2Player. |
data-bid | The Playlist ID (bid) for the O2Player. |
data-vid | The Video ID (vid) for the O2Player. |
data-macros | The macros for the O2Player. |
common attributes | This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components. |
See amp-o2-player rules in the AMP validator specification.
The following lists validation errors specific to the amp-o2-player
Validation Error | Description |
The 'example1' tag is missing or incorrect, but required by 'example2'. | Error thrown when required amp-o2-player extension .js script tag is missing or incorrect. |
The implied layout 'example1' is not supported by tag 'example2'. | Error thrown when implied layout is set to CONTAINER ; this layout type isn't supported. |
The specified layout 'example1' is not supported by tag 'example2'. | Error thrown when specified layout is set to CONTAINER ; this layout type isn't supported. |
The property 'example1' in attribute 'example2' in tag 'example3' is set to 'example4', which is invalid. | Error thrown when invalid value is given for attributes height or width . For example, height=auto triggers this error for all supported layout types, with the exception of NODISPLAY . |
Consent Data
Iframe inside amp-o2-player
can send a message to receive consent data if a CMP is present on amp-o2-player
parents page.
Example request for consent data from iframe:
window.parent.postMessage( { sentinel: 'amp', type: 'send-consent-data', }, '*' );
Example receive response for consent data:
function isAmpMessage(event, type) {
return (
event.source == window.parent &&
event.origin != window.location.origin && && == 'amp' && == type
window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
if (!isAmpMessage(event, 'consent-data')) {
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