Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format stories!
Displays the Kaltura Player as used in Kaltura's Video Platform.
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-kaltura-player" src=""></script>
Supported Layouts
The width
and height
attributes determine the aspect ratio of the player embedded in responsive layouts.
<amp-kaltura-player data-service-url="" data-uiconf="33502051" data-partner="1281471" data-entryid="1_3ts1ms9c" data-param-streamerType="auto" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270" > </amp-kaltura-player>
data-serviceUrl | The Kaltura service url. This attribute is optional. |
data-partner | The Kaltura partner id. This attribute is mandatory. |
data-uiconf | The Kaltura player id - uiconf id. |
data-entryid | The Kaltura entry id. |
data-param-* | All Keys and values will be URI encoded. Keys will be camel cased.
common attributes | This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components. |
See amp-kaltura-player rules in the AMP validator specification.
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