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amp-mustache templates are a simple, structured templating system based on mustache.

amp-mustache doesn't actually provide the data, or compile the template. Instead, the data is provided and template compiled by other AMP tags, such as amp-access, amp-form, and amp-list. For more information on those use cases, see those docs/samples directly.


Import the amp-mustache tag.

<script async custom-template="amp-mustache" src=""></script>

amp-mustache needs to be used along with other components, such as amp-list or amp-form. For the purposes of this sample, we'll use amp-list.

<script async custom-element="amp-list" src=""></script>

Data for amp-mustache templates are provided by other AMP tags. For the purposes of this demo, we're using amp-list to pass in a JSON file with a dictionary that looks like this:

  "items": [
      "fullname": "John Doe",
      "phonenumber": "212-555-1212",
      "cart_items": [
          "name": "Pluot",
          "quantity": 5,
          "price": "$1.00"
          "name": "Apple",
          "quantity": 1,
          "price": "$3.25"
      "address": {
        "addr1": "111 8th Ave",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "zipcode": 10011


Variables are interpolated when the variable name is surrounded in double curly brackets ({{varname}})

<amp-list src="/static/samples/json/cart.json" layout="fixed-height" height="56" binding="no">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    Hi {{fullname}}!


Conditionals are called using the same syntax, but with an octothorpe (#) prepended.

<amp-list src="/static/samples/json/cart.json" layout="fixed-height" height="56" binding="no">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
      The registered phone number is {{phonenumber}}

Negative conditionals

For negative conditionals instead, insert a caret (^) before the variable name.

<amp-list src="/static/samples/json/cart.json" layout="fixed-height" height="56" binding="no">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
      There is no registered twitter account for this profile


Loops use the same syntax as conditionals, but work when lists are provided instead of scalar variables such as strings, integers, and dictionaries.

<amp-list src="/static/samples/json/cart.json" layout="fixed-height" height="80" binding="no">
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    <div id="cart">
      <div class="cart-item">
      <div>Your cart is empty!</div>

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