Conditional State
This snippet demonstrates how to create a simple amp-state
with conditions.
We use amp-bind
to create a dynamic amp-state
<script async custom-element="amp-bind" src=""></script>
Basic usage
The charState
is set by theAMP.setState
block in the input
component. We check whether the state of user input has changed by using input-throttled. If the state of input has changed, we check current the number of characters in the input (event.value.length
) is. The number of characters determines what charState
will be set. The item between the ?
question mark and the :
colon meets the stated condition. The item after the :
colon is given for anything that does not meet the stated condition. It is possible to have multiple conditions within the same AMP.setState
When a user types < 10 characters in the input
section, they see the message "There are under 10 characters, type more!".
When a user types > 10 characters in the input
section, they see the message "You have typed over 10 characters, you can stop now.".
Try typing a few characters into the textbox.
<p [text]="charState">
Try typing a few characters into the textbox.
<input type="textbox" on="input-throttled:AMP.setState({
charState: event.value.length < 10 ?
'There are under 10 characters, type more!' :
'You have typed over 10 characters, you can stop now.'
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Written by @elisameyer