AMP는 활발한 소통을 장려합니다

AMP 워킹그룹은 특정 AMP 영역에 대한 지식/관심을 보유한 커뮤니티의 한 섹션입니다. 워킹그룹을 형성하는 주체는 AMP 기술운영위원회(Technical Steering Committee)입니다.
대다수의 워킹그룹은 격주로 상태 업데이트를 제공하며 디자인 리뷰를 통해 라운드 로빈 방식으로 수준 높은 분기별 업데이트를 선보입니다.
AMP 워킹그룹 소개:
Foundation Onboarding
Responsible for ensuring the successful completion of the OpenJS Foundation's onboarding process. For more context, see the AMP announcement and OpenJS Foundation announcement of AMP joining the OpenJS Foundation's incubation program. To graduate from the incubation program, AMP must complete the onboarding checklist.
Foundation Onboarding 퍼실리테이터:@tobie
현재 이슈
wg-foundation-onboarding Meeting YYYY-MM-DD
#28 opened on Tue Apr 21 2020 by @tobie
wg-foundation-onboarding Meeting 2019-12-03
#23 opened on Tue Dec 03 2019 by @tobie
wg-foundation-onboarding Meeting 2019-11-26
#22 opened on Tue Nov 26 2019 by @tobie
wg-foundation-onboarding Meeting 2019-11-19
#20 opened on Wed Nov 13 2019 by @tobie
Transfer AMP domains name to OpenJSF
#18 opened on Wed Nov 06 2019 by @tobie
Confirm disclaimer is only necessary if OpenCollective is used to receive funds
#10 opened on Sun Nov 03 2019 by @tobie
커뮤니케이션 채널
The Foundation Onboarding Working Group members will use #wg-foundation-onboarding
channel on AMP's Slack (signup) for real-time discussion. The channel is open to anyone, regardless of membership in the working group.
The Foundation Onboarding Working Group will have weekly meetings to track onboarding progress, open to the community. Notes from this meeting will serve as weekly status updates. Meetings are listed in the issue tracker using the "Meeting" label.
We will track onboarding work using the ampproject Onboarding GitHub project and the OpenJS Foundation onboarding checklist issue
The WG maintains an org-level project board to track all issues related to this effort.