Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format ads!



Implements subscription-style access protocol for Subscribe with Google.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-subscriptions-google" src=""></script>
<script async custom-element="amp-subscriptions-google" src=""></script>


The amp-subscriptions-google is the extension that enables Subscribe with Google in an AMP page.

See amp-subscriptions for more details on AMP Subscriptions.

See Subscribe with Google GitHub repo for details on the project itself.


The amp-subscriptions-google is configured as part of amp-subscriptions configuration.

  <script type="application/json" id="amp-subscriptions">
      "services": [
          // Local service configuration
          "serviceId": ""

Real Time Config (rtc)

Real Time Config allows the publisher to specify the sku or sku's for a subscribe button at page load time. The allows user specific offers, time limited offers etc.

To enable rtc add a skuMapUrl to the service.

<script type="application/json" id="amp-subscriptions">
    "services": [
        // Local service configuration
        "serviceId": ""
        "skuMapUrl": ""

The skuMapUrl is called on page load. It should be a map of element id's and configurations:

  "": {
    // button that goes straight to purchase flow
    "elementId": {
      "sku": "sku"
    // button that launches an offer carousel
    "anotherElementId": {
      "carouselOptions": {
          "skus": ["basic", "premium_monthly"],

Each configuration corresponds to the sku or skus associated with the button.

To enable a button for rtc add the subscriptions-google-rtc attribute. If this attribute is present the button will be disabled until the skuMapUrl request is completed. Once the skuMap is resolved the subscriptions-google-rtc attribute will be removed and subscriptions-google-rtc-set attribute added. These attributes may be used for CSS styling, however it is recommended that the button not be hidden if it will cause a page re-layout when displayed.

The skuMapUrl can be the same as the local service auth url as the JSON objects do not conflict. If the auth url is cacheable (max-age=1 is sufficient) this will allow in a single request to the server to resove authentication and mapping.

Entitlements pingback

As described in amp-subscriptions, if a pingbackUrl is specified by the local service, the entitlements response returned by the "winning" service will be sent to the pingbackUrl via a POST request.

If is the "winning" service, the request to the pingbackUrl will be of the following format:

    "products":[ ... ],

Where data matches the entitlements response format.

Example with markup

  <script type="application/json" id="amp-subscriptions">
      "services": [
          // Local service configuration
          "authorizationUrl": "https://...",
          "pingbackUrl": "https://...",
          "actions": {
            "login": "https://...",
            "subscribe": "https://..."
          "serviceId": ""
  <script type="application/ld+json">
      "@context": "",
      "@type": "NewsArticle",
      "isAccessibleForFree": "False",
      "publisher": {
        "@type": "Organization",
        "name": "The Norcal Tribune",
        "logo": {...}
      "hasPart": {
        "@type": "WebPageElement",
        "isAccessibleForFree": "False",
        "cssSelector" : ".paywall"
      "isPartOf": {
        "@type": ["CreativeWork", "Product"],
        "name" : "The Norcal Tribune",
        "productID": ""
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