
You can now use this component outside valid AMP documents using the Bento version of this component. Learn more in the Bento guide.


Displays a countdown sequence to a specified date.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-date-countdown" src=""></script>


Display a sequence of backward counting to indicate the time remaining before an event is scheduled to occur.

countdown timer example

The amp-date-countdown provides countdown time data that you can render in your AMP page. By providing specific attributes in the amp-date-countdown tag, the amp-date-countdown extension returns a list of time parameters, which you can pass to an amp-mustache template for rendering. Refer to the list below for each returned time parameter.

countdown timer example 2

  <template type="amp-mustache">
    <p class="p1">
{{d}} days, {{h}} hours, {{m}} minutes and {{s}} seconds until
      <a href="">Y2K38</a>.

Returned time parameters

This table lists the format you can specify in your Mustache template:

Format Meaning
d day - 0, 1, 2,...12, 13..Infinity
dd day - 00, 01, 02, 03..Infinity
h hour - 0, 1, 2,...12, 13..Infinity
hh hour - 01, 02, 03..Infinity
m minute - 0, 1, 2,...12, 13..Infinity
mm minute - 01, 01, 02, 03..Infinity
s second - 0, 1, 2,...12, 13..Infinity
ss second - 00, 01, 02, 03..Infinity
days internationalization string for day or days
hours internationalization string for hour or hours
minutes internationalization string for minute or minutes
seconds internationalization string for second or seconds

Samples of formatted values

This table provides examples of formatted values specified in a Mustache template, and a sample of what the output:

Format Sample Output Remarks
{hh}:{mm}:{ss} 04:24:06 -
{h} {hours} and {m} {minutes} and {s} {seconds} 4 hours and 1 minutes and 45 seconds -
{d} {days} {h}:{mm} 1 day 5:03 -
{d} {days} {h} {hours} {m} {minutes} 50 days 5 hours 10 minutes -
{d} {days} {h} {hours} {m} {minutes} 20 days 5 hours 10 minutes -
{h} {hours} {m} {minutes} 240 hours 10 minutes biggest-unit='hours'
{d} {days} {h} {hours} {m} {minutes} 50 天 5 小时 10 分钟 locale='zh-cn'


You must specify at least one of these required attributes: end-date, timeleft-ms, timestamp-ms, timestamp-seconds.


An ISO formatted date to count down to. For example, 2020-06-01T00:00:00+08:00


A POSIX epoch value in milliseconds; assumed to be UTC timezone. For example, timestamp-ms="1521880470000".


A POSIX epoch value in seconds; assumed to be UTC timezone. For example, timestamp-seconds="1521880470".


A value in milliseconds left to be counting down. For example, 48 hours left timeleft-ms="172800000".

offset-seconds (optional)

A positive or negative number that represents the number of seconds to add or subtract from the end-date. For example, offset-seconds="60" adds 60 seconds to the end-date.

when-ended (optional)

Specifies whether to stop the timer when it reaches 0 seconds. The value can be set to stop (default) to indicate the timer to stop at 0 seconds and will not pass the final date or continue to indicate the timer should continue after reaching 0 seconds.

locale (optional)

An internationalization language string for each timer unit. The default value is en (for English).

Supported values:

Code Language
de German
en English
es Spanish
fr French
id Indonesian
it Italian
ja Japanese
ko Korean
nl Dutch
pt Portuguese
ru Russian
th Thai
tr Turkish
vi Vietnamese
zh-cn Chinese Simplified
zh-tw Chinese Traditional

biggest-unit (optional)

Allows the amp-date-countdown component to calculate the time difference based on the specified biggest-unit value. For example, assume there are 50 days 10 hours left, if the biggest-unit is set to hours, the result displays 1210 hours left.

  • Supported values: days, hours, minutes, seconds
  • Default: days

data-count-up (optional)

Include this attribute to reverse the direction of the countdown to count up instead. This is useful to display the time elapsed since a target date in the past. To continue the countdown when the target date is in the past, be sure to include the when-ended attribute with the continue value. If the target date is in the future, amp-date-countdown will display a decrementing (toward 0) negative value.


The amp-date-countdown component exposes the following event that you can use AMP on-syntax to trigger:


When the timer times out. For this action to function, when-ended must be set to stop. You can only run low-trust actions such as amp-animation and amp-video actions when the timer times out. This is to enforce AMP's UX principle of not allowing page content to reflow without explicit user actions. |

Example: Demonstrating usage of timeout event

<h1 id="sample">
  When Timer hits 0, will hide the timer itself and hide this message.

<amp-animation id="hide-timeout-event" layout="nodisplay">
  <script type="application/json">
      "duration": "1s",
      "fill": "both",
      "selector": "#ampdate, #sample",
      "keyframes": {"visibility": "hidden"}
  on="timeout: hide-timeout-event.start"
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    <h1>Countdown Clock</h1>
{{dd}} : {{hh)) : {{mm}} : {{ss}}    </div>

Renders as:


See amp-date-countdown rules in the AMP validator specification.

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