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Replaces the HTML5 audio tag.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-audio" src=""></script>


Use the amp-audio components with direct HTML5 audio file embeds.

The amp-audio component loads the audio resource specified by its src attribute at a time determined by the runtime. It can be controlled in much the same way as a standard HTML5 audio tag. Like all embedded external resources in an AMP file, the audio is "lazily" loaded, only when the amp-audio element is in or near the viewport

The amp-audio component accepts up to three unique types of HTML nodes as children:

  • source tags: Just like in the HTML <audio> tag, you can add <source> tag children to specify different source media files to play.
  • a placeholder for before the audio starts: One or zero immediate child nodes can have the placeholder attribute. If present, this node and its children form a placeholder that will display instead of the audio. A click or tap anywhere inside of the amp-audio container will replace the placeholder with the audio itself.
  • a fallback if the browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio: One or zero immediate child nodes can have the fallback attribute. If present, this node and its children form the content that displays if HTML5 audio is not supported on the user’s browser.

For example:

  <div fallback>
    <p>Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio</p>
  <source type="audio/mpeg" src="foo.mp3" />
  <source type="audio/ogg" src="foo.ogg" />



Required if no <source> children are present. Must be HTTPS.


If present, sets the preload attribute in the html <audio> tag which specifies if the author thinks that the audio file should be loaded when the page loads.


If present, the attribute implies that the audio will start playing as soon as it is ready.


If present, the audio will automatically loop back to the start upon reaching the end.


If present, will mute the audio by default.


Same as controlsList attribute of HTML5 audio element. Only supported by certain browsers. Please see for details.

Media Session Attributes

amp-audio implements the Media Session API enabling developers to specify more information about the audio file that is playing to be displayed in the notification center of user's devices (along with play/pause controls).


  title="Awesome music"
  artist="Awesome singer"
  album="Amazing album"
  <source type="audio/mpeg" src="foo.mp3" />


URL to a PNG/JPG/ICO image serving as the audio's artwork. If not present, the MediaSessionAPI Helper will use either the image field in the definition, the og:image or the website's favicon.


(string) indicates the author of the audio.


(string) indicates the album the audio was taken from.


(string) part of the common attributes, doubles as the audio's name displayed in the MediaSession notification. If not provided, the MediaSessionAPI Helper will use either the aria-label attribute or fall back to the page's title.


AMP audio analytics gathers data about how users interact with audios in AMP documents. AMP audio extension issues analytics events during their lifecycle. These events can be reported through the analytics configuration using audio-* triggers. audio-play and audio-pause are the two analytics events supported now.

See the AMP Analytics component for details on amp-analytics configuration.

Audio play trigger ("on": "audio-play")

The audio-play trigger is fired when the audio begins playing from a user clicking play or from autoplay beginning or resuming. Use these configurations to fire a request for this event.

"triggers": {
  "audioPlay": {
    "on": "audio-play",
    "request": "event",
    "selector": "#audio1"

Audio pause trigger ("on": "audio-pause")

The audio-pause trigger is fired when the audio stops playing from a user clicking pause, from autoplay pausing, or from the audio reaching the end. Use these configurations to fire a request for this event.

"triggers": {
  "audioPause": {
    "on": "audio-pause",
    "request": "event",
    "selector": "#audio1"


See amp-audio rules in the AMP validator specification.

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