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Creates reusable actions.
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-action-macro" src=""></script>
The amp-action-macro
component allows for the creation of reusable actions.
creates AMP action macros that you can reuse as needed. Each
action macro needs an id
and an action to execute
. You can call the action
macro by its id
and pass it arguments that alter its behavior.
<amp-action-macro id="closeNavigations" execute="AMP.setState({nav1: 'close', nav2: 'close})" ></amp-action-macro> <button on="tap:closeNavigations.execute()">Close all</button> <div on="tap:closeNavigations.execute()">Close all</div> <!-- You can provide arguments in the macro. --> <amp-carousel id="carousel" ...>...</amp-carousel> <amp-action-macro id="carousel-macro" execute="carousel.goToSlide(index=foo), carousel.goToSlide(index=bar)" arguments="foo, bar" ></amp-action-macro> <button on="tap:carousel-macro.execute(foo=1, bar=2)"> Go to slide 1 then 2 </button>
Used to uniquely identify the action. This id
is referenced in an action invocation.
The action to invoke. Any valid amp action is allowed here.
<amp-action-macro id="navigate-action" execute="AMP.navigateTo(url='')" ></amp-action-macro> <amp-action-macro id="refresh-amp-list" execute="ampList.refresh()" ></amp-action-macro> <amp-list id="ampList" src="...">...</amp-list> <button on="tap:navigate-action.execute()"></button> <button on="tap:refresh-amp-list.execute()"></button>
Used to define arguments that can be used in the called invocation and substituted in the amp action macro call.
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