• websites



The amp-facebook-page component allows embedding Facebook pages into AMP files.


Import the amp-facebook-page component

<script async custom-element="amp-facebook-page" src=""></script>

Basic usage

The amp-facebook-page component only requires the href of the facebook post.

<amp-facebook-page width="340" height="130" layout="responsive" data-href="">

Internationalization support

You can set the locale to render the page in a different language, for example French.

<amp-facebook-page width="340" height="130" layout="responsive" data-href="" data-locale="fr_FR">

Show different tabs

Render the timeline and events tab for a particular Facebook page by specifying data-tabs="timeline, events".

<amp-facebook-page width="552" height="310" layout="responsive" data-tabs="timeline, events" data-href="">

Facebook page cover

Hide the cover of a particular Facebook page by specifying data-hide-cover="true".

<amp-facebook-page width="552" height="310" layout="responsive" data-hide-cover="true" data-href="">


Hide the friends who follow a particular Facebook page by specifying data-show-facepile="false". (Need to be logged in to see this.)

<amp-facebook-page width="300" height="300" layout="responsive" data-show-facepile="false" data-href="">

Call to action

Hide the call to action for a particular Facebook page by specifying data-hide-cta="true".

<amp-facebook-page width="300" height="300" layout="responsive" data-hide-cta="true" data-href="">

Change header size

Show a small header for the page by specifying data-small-header="true".

<amp-facebook-page width="300" height="300" layout="responsive" data-small-header="true" data-href="">
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