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Dynamically replaces a phone number in a hyperlink to enable call tracking.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-call-tracking" src=""></script>


Dynamically replaces a phone number in a hyperlink to enable call tracking. Executes a CORS request to substitute the number.

The <amp-call-tracking> tag must wrap a normal anchor tag that hyperlinks a phone number. This phone number will be replaced with the values provided by a CORS endpoint.

<amp-call-tracking config="">
  <a href="tel:123456789">+1 (23) 456-789</a>

Each unique CORS endpoint is called only once per page.


config (required)

Defines a CORS URL. The URL's protocol must be HTTPS. The response must consist of a valid JSON object with the following fields:

  • phoneNumber (required): Specifies the phone number to call when the user clicks the link.

  • formattedPhoneNumber (optional): Specifies the phone number to display. If not specified, the value in phoneNumber is used.

Your XHR endpoint must implement the requirements specified in the CORS Requests in AMP.


See amp-call-tracking rules in the AMP validator specification.

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