Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format stories!
Displays a podcast episode or playlist.
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-megaphone" src=""></script>
Supported Layouts
With the fixed height layout, the element will expand to fill the width of the page while keeping the height
Light Mode:
<amp-megaphone height="166" layout="fixed-height" data-episode="OSC7749686951" data-light ></amp-megaphone>
Dark Mode:
<amp-megaphone height="166" layout="fixed-height" data-episode="OSC7749686951" data-light ></amp-megaphone>
data-episode | This attribute is required if data-playlist is not defined.The value for this attribute is the ID of a track, an integer. |
data-playlist | This attribute is required if data-episode is not defined.
The value for this attribute is the ID of a playlist. |
data-start (optional) | (for episodes only) The time at which to start the episode in seconds. |
data-episodes (optional) | (for playlists only) Limits the number of episodes to display. |
data-tile (optional) | (for episodes only) If present, displays the player in a "tile" mode where the internal components are layed out vertically. |
data-light (optional) | If present, this will switch the player theme to the "light" scheme as opposed to the default dark version. |
data-sharing (optional) | If present, this will enable the social sharing button on the embedded player. The default value is to disable the button. |
width and height | The layout for amp-megaphone is set to fixed-height and it fills all of the available horizontal space. This is ideal for the "classic" mode, but for "tile" mode, it's recommended that the height is 455px, and the width is 275px, as per the Megaphone embed code. |
See amp-megaphone rules in the AMP validator specification.
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