• stories

Interactive quizzes with results


The amp-story-interactive component provides customizable immersive quizzes and polls for Web Stories.

In this guide we build a Web Story with quizzes that reports the answers to a results element. The result element shows different categories based on correct quiz answers.

To begin, import amp-story-interactive along your other stories imports.

<script async custom-element="amp-story-interactive" src=""></script>

We will also link analytics to track statistics

<script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src=""></script>

Add your amp-analytics configuration to the story. We will be using the ${storyInteractiveId} and ${storyInteractiveResponse} to gather additional information on the responses. A complete list of vars can be found in the documentation

<amp-analytics id="my-analytics">
  <script type="application/json">
      "requests": {
        "interactive": "${storyInteractiveId}&response=${storyInteractiveResponse}"
      "triggers": {
        "interactiveSelected": {
          "on": "story-interactive",
          "request": "interactive"


We will create an interactive experience that tells you how much you know about soccer.

For this to work, we will use an amp-story-interactive-results element to display the user's quiz results. This element shows a correctness percentage and corresponding category for the user.

Define the quizzes

To add a quiz, we have to specify some attributes:

  • option-{1/2/3/4}-text will be used to pass the options to the poll
  • option-{1/2/3/4}-confetti will be used to pass the emojis that will explode when the option is selected. You should only give confetti to the correct option, as we don't want to trigger the animation if the option selected is not correct. Give it a try and select "Uruguay" to see the effect in motion!
  • prompt-text and prompt-size will determine the content and size of the question. We'll make it large sine the content is short.
  • theme and chip-style will change the way the poll looks.
  • option-{1/2/3/4}-correct is used to show what option is the correct one.

In this case, we added a transparent quiz with green prompt text, and enable option-3-correct.

Quizzes can have 2-4 options, so it will fit all types of questions with one correct answer.

<amp-story-page id="page-quiz-1">
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill" style="background-color: black">
    <amp-img style="opacity:0.7"
      layout="fixed" width="1600" height="1200"
      alt="..." />
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill" aspect-ratio="4:6">
    <div animate-in="scale-fade-up">
        id="quiz-1" class="center"
        prompt-text="Who won the first soccer world cup?"
        prompt-size="large" chip-style="transparent"
        option-3-text="Uruguay" option-3-correct option-3-confetti="⚽"

Now we can create another quiz with the same attributes. For this quiz, we will set the accent color to green: --interactive-accent-color:rgb(9, 63, 4);, which will color the prompt background and quiz accents with it. In this scenario we will not use a transparent style since the background is more detailed.

You can have more granular control over the prompt, accent and background by using the CSS variables and attributes. Learn how in the documentation.

<amp-story-page id="page-quiz-2">
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill">
      layout="fixed" width="1600" height="1200"
      alt="..." />
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill" aspect-ratio="4:6">
    <div animate-in="scale-fade-up">
        prompt-text="What country won the most soccer world cups?"
        option-2-text="Brazil" option-2-correct option-2-confetti="⚽"

And let's make a third one just to train muscle memory.

Adding gradients to the prompt-background is a great way to enhance the visuals of your elements, for instance.

--interactive-prompt-background: linear-gradient(120deg, var(--color-1), var(--color-2));

If you want to see all the available styles, check the documentation or example story.

<amp-story-page id="page-quiz-3">
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill">
      layout="fixed" width="1600" height="1200"
      alt="..." />
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill" aspect-ratio="4:6">
    <div animate-in="scale-fade-up">
         prompt-text="Where are FIFA headquarters?"
         option-3-text="Switzerland" option-3-correct option-3-confetti="🌐"

We must configure thresholds for each state in the amp-story-interactive-results. This allows it to calculate and display the user's results from their quiz selections.

When users answer the quizzes, an internal state saves the percentage of correct answers and checks what results-threshold fits the percentage calculated. Then it shows the category, description and image of the calculated state.

If you go back to the other pages and answer the quizzes (in the story below), you'll see how the results change state and percentage shown when you go back to the results page. Here we create 2 states: "Expert" for users that answer all the questions correctly, and "Fan" for users that miss one or more questions. Try to get all the answers correctly on the story below, and see how the element changes to show the "Expert" category.

You can add up to 4 states on the amp-story-interactive-results element, and include images for the different states. For an example of a results element with image, check the guide on how to make a Web Story with polls

<amp-story-page id="page-results">
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill">
      layout="fixed" width="1600" height="1200"
      alt="..." />
  <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill" aspect-ratio="4:6">
    <div animate-in="scale-fade-up">
         id="results-1" class="center"
         prompt-text="You are a soccer"
         option-1-results-category="Fan" option-1-text="You might not be the most knowledgeable, but enjoy watching games every now and then" option-1-results-threshold="0"
         option-2-results-category="Expert" option-2-text="You know everything about soccer, be proud of it!" option-2-results-threshold="80">

More resources

If you want to learn more about all the interactive experiences for Web Stories, head over to the documentation or check out the guide on how to make a story with polls instead.

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