

A tracking pixel to count page views.


Supported Layouts

Description Can be used as a typical tracking pixel to count pageviews.
Supported Layouts fixed, nodisplay
Examples See AMP By Example's amp-pixel example.


The amp-pixel component behaves like a simple tracking pixel img. It takes a single URL, but provides variables that can be replaced by the component in the URL string when making the request. See the substitutions section for further details.

In this basic example, the amp-pixel issues a simple GET request to the given URL and ignores the result.

<amp-pixel src="" layout="nodisplay"></amp-pixel>

When processing AMP URLs in the referrer header of analytics requests, strip out or ignore the usqp parameter. This parameter is used by Google to trigger experiments for the Google AMP Cache.


The amp-pixel allows all standard URL variable substitutions. See the Substitutions Guide for more information.

In the following example, a request might be made to something like where the RANDOM value is randomly generated upon each impression.

<amp-pixel src="" layout="nodisplay"></amp-pixel>


src (required)

A simple URL to a remote endpoint that must be https protocol.

referrerpolicy (optional)

This attribute is similar to the referrerpolicy attribute on <img>, however no-referrer is the only accepted value. If referrerpolicy=no-referrer is specified, the referrer header is removed from the HTTP request.


allow-ssr-img (optional)

This attribute used in AMP4ADS creatives indicates that as part of post validation transformation, an img element may be placed directly within the amp-pixel element allowing the ping to be sent in parallel with AMP runtime fetch/execution. Note that it means that any macros within the url will NOT be expanded so only use if they are not present in the src.

Common attributes

This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components.


amp-pixel should not be styled.


See amp-pixel rules in the AMP validator specification.

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