• websites



This sample demonstrastes a classic dropdown combo, with a text field which filters the dropdown elements according to the user's input. The options are rendered via amp-autocomplete.


The amp-autocomplete component is used for suggesting according to the user's input.

<script async custom-element="amp-autocomplete" src=""></script>

Autocomplete input

First we need to add an amp-autocomplete element by giving it an input field and a data source. Here we're using an inline script declaration defining a list of cities in the US as items. For long lists of suggestions, it's possible to fetch a remote JSON endpoint using the src attribute.

We will use filter="token-prefix" as our way to match on the user input and set min-characters="0" so that the combo box will display options even when the input is empty.

Finally, the combobox can be triggered via a button that focuses the input field: <button on="tap:combo-input.focus">.

<form method="post" id="myform" action-xhr="/documentation/examples/api/echo">
  <amp-autocomplete class="combo-box" filter="token-prefix" min-characters="0">
    <input id="combo-input" name="name" type="text" on="change:myform.submit">
    <button hidden id="close" on=", close.hide">
      <i class="arrow"></i>
    <button id="open" on="tap:combo-input.focus, open.hide,">
      <i class="arrow"></i>
    <script type="application/json">
        "items" : [
          "Albany, New York",
          "Annapolis, Maryland",
          "Atlanta, Georgia",
          "Augusta, Maine",
          "Austin, Texas",
          "Baton Rouge, Louisiana",
          "Bismarck, North Dakota",
          "Boise, Idaho",
          "Boston, Massachusetts",
          "Carson City, Nevada",
          "Charleston, West Virginia",
          "Cheyenne, Wyoming",
          "Columbia, South Carolina",
          "Columbus, Ohio",
          "Concord, New Hampshire",
          "Denver, Colorado",
          "Des Moines, Iowa",
          "Dover, Delaware",
          "Frankfort, Kentucky",
          "Harrisburg, Pennsylvania",
          "Hartford, Connecticut",
          "Helena, Montana",
          "Honolulu, Hawaii",
          "Indianapolis, Indiana",
          "Jackson, Mississippi",
          "Jefferson City, Missouri",
          "Juneau, Alaska",
          "Lansing, Michigan",
          "Lincoln, Nebraska",
          "Little Rock, Arkansas",
          "Madison, Wisconsin",
          "Montgomery, Alabama",
          "Montpelier, Vermont",
          "Nashville, Tennessee",
          "Oklahoma City, Oklahoma",
          "Olympia, Washington",
          "Phoenix, Arizona",
          "Pierre, South Dakota",
          "Providence, Rhode Island",
          "Raleigh, North Carolina",
          "Richmond, Virginia",
          "Sacramento, California",
          "Saint Paul, Minnesota",
          "Salem, Oregon",
          "Salt Lake City, Utah",
          "Santa Fe, New Mexico",
          "Springfield, Illinois",
          "Tallahassee, Florida",
          "Topeka, Kansas",
          "Trenton, New Jersey"
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