• websites



This example shows how you can sanitize user input for a URL with an amp-bind-macro call.


Import the amp-bind component to use amp-bind-macro.

<script async custom-element="amp-bind" src=""></script>


the replaceSpace expression defined in amp-bind-macro replaces spaces in user input with s/ /%20/

and sets all letters to lowercase to match url format for Google search

Type in something you want to search with spaces

Your sanitized link will display here. You can copy and paste into search bar to test.

<amp-bind-macro id="replaceSpace" arguments="str" expression="str.toLowerCase().split(' ').join('%20')">

  Type in something you want to search with spaces
<input type="text" placeholder="Search Query" on="input-throttled:AMP.setState({ argumentString: event.value })">
  <p [text]="'You have create a sanitized link:' + replaceSpace(argumentString)">
    Your sanitized link will display here. You can copy and paste into search bar to test.
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