Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format ads!
Embeds a video player for instream video ads that are integrated with the IMA SDK.
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-ima-video" src=""></script>
Supported Layouts
Use the amp-ima-video
component to embed an IMA SDK enabled video player.
The component requires an ad tag, provided in data-tag
, which is a URL to a
VAST-compliant ad response (for examples, see
IMA Sample Tags).
The component HTML accepts the following types of HTML nodes as children:
tags for content video, used in the same way as the standardvideo
tags for subtitles, in the same way as the standardvideo
tag. If the track is hosted on a different origin than the document, you must add thedata-crossorigin
attribute to the<amp-ima-video>
tag.- a
tag of typeapplication/json
used to provide ImaSdkSettings. Provide the property-translation of the setters in the linked documentation (e.g. to callsetNumRedirects(4)
, provide{"numRedirects": 4}
<amp-ima-video width="640" height="360" layout="responsive" data-tag="ads.xml" data-poster="poster.png" > <source src="foo.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> <source src="foo.webm" type="video/webm" /> <track label="English subtitles" kind="subtitles" srclang="en" src="subtitles.vtt" /> <script type="application/json"> { "locale": "en", "numRedirects": 4 } </script> </amp-ima-video>
data-tag (required)
The URL for your VAST ad document. A relative URL or a URL that uses https protocol.
The URL of your video content. A relative URL or a URL that uses https protocol. This attribute is required if no <source>
children are present.
Required if a track
resource is hosted on a different origin than the document.
data-poster (optional)
An image for the frame to be displayed before video playback has started. By default, the first frame is displayed.
data-delay-ad-request (optional)
If true, delay the ad request until either the user scrolls the page, or for 3 seconds, whichever occurs first. Defaults to false.
data-ad-label (optional)
A format string that looks like "Ad (%s of %s)", used to generate the ad disclosure when an ad is playing. The "%s" in the format string is replaced with the current ad number in the sequence and the total number of ads, respectively (e.g. Ad 2 of 3). This allows users to support ad disclosures in different languages. If no value is given, this defaults to "Ad (%s of %s)".
Requires amp-video-docking
extension. If this attribute is present and the video is playing manually, the video will be "minimized" and fixed to a corner or an element when the user scrolls out of the video component's visual area.
For more details, see documentation on the docking extension itself.
title (optional)
Define a title
attribute for the component to propagate to the underlying <iframe>
element. The default value is "IMA video"
Common attributes
This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components.
See amp-ima-video rules in the AMP validator specification.
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