replaces static phone numbers with dynamically generated phone numbers used for call tracking analytics.
Import the amp-call-tracking
<script async custom-element="amp-call-tracking" src=""></script>
Basic usage
An XHR endpoint that returns a JSON response will define the phone number and how the number will be formatted.
Your XHR endpoint needs to follow and implement CORS Requests in AMP spec.
The following is the JSON response used in the endpoint in this example:
{ "phoneNumber": "15559876543", "formattedPhoneNumber": "1 (555) 987-6543" }
Note that formattedPhoneNumber
is optional. See the component documentation for more information.
We also need to set a default phone number that will be shown before the endpoint responds. This is done via an <a>
element inside the amp-call-tracking
<amp-call-tracking config="">
<a href="tel:10001111111">1 (000) 111-1111</a>
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Written by @alanorozco