Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format ads!



Embeds the Facebook comments plugin.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-facebook-comments" src=""></script>


Use the amp-facebook-comments component to embed the Facebook comments plugin.




The URL of the comments page. For example,

data-locale (optional)

By default, the locale is set to user's system language; however, you can specify a locale as well.

For details on strings accepted here please visit the Facebook API Localization page.

data-numposts (optional)

The number of comments to show. Currently Facebook SDK limits this to max 100. For details, see the Facebook comments documentation.

data-order-by (optional)

The order to use when displaying comments. For details, see the Facebook comments documentation.

title (optional)

Define a title attribute for the component to propagate to the underlying <iframe> element. The default value is "Facebook comments".

Common attributes

This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components.

Deprecated attributes

data-colorscheme (optional)

The color scheme. For details, see the Facebook comments documentation.

Note: This is no longer supported by Facebook. For more details, follow our our tracking issue and Facebook's bug report.


See amp-facebook-comments rules in the AMP validator specification.

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