Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format email!
Displays any Playbuzz item content (e.g., list, poll, etc.).
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-playbuzz" src=""></script>
Supported Layouts
Can be any item URL taken from
Playbuzz Item by plain url (without info, share-buttons, comments)
<amp-playbuzz src="" height="500" > </amp-playbuzz>
Playbuzz Item by item-id (can be found in the item's embed code)
<amp-playbuzz data-item="a6aa5a14-8888-4618-b2e3-fe6a30d8c51b" height="500"> </amp-playbuzz>
With optional parameters (info, share-buttons, comments):
<amp-playbuzz src="" height="500" data-item-info="true" data-share-buttons="true" data-comments="true" > </amp-playbuzz>
Required attributes
One of the following is required:
src | The URL for the Playbuzz item. Can be any item URL taken from |
data-item | The item id for the Playbuzz item. Can be taken from the item's embed code (at the item's page at playbuzz website) |
Note: If both attributes are present, data-item
is used.
Optional attributes
data-item-info (optional) | Indicates whether to display data info, such as creation date, creator name, etc. |
data-share-buttons (optional) | Indicates whether to display share buttons. |
data-comments (optional) | Indicates whether to display users' comments. |
common attributes | This element includes [common attributes]( extended to AMP components. |
See amp-playbuzz rules in the AMP validator specification.
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