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Displays multiple similar pieces of content at a time along a horizontal axis, for features like related products or articles.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-stream-gallery" src=""></script>


A stream gallery for displaying multiple similar pieces of content at a time along a horizontal axis. To implement a more customized UX, see amp-base-carousel.


In the following example, we use amp-stream-gallery to display its content in a responsive container, showing a varying amount of its children at a time according to the viewport size.

<amp-stream-gallery width="7.5" height="2" layout="responsive">
  <amp-img src="img1.png" layout="flex-item"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="img2.png" layout="flex-item"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="img3.png" layout="flex-item"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="img4.png" layout="flex-item"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="img5.png" layout="flex-item"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="img6.png" layout="flex-item"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="img7.png" layout="flex-item"></amp-img>

Each of the amp-stream-gallery component’s immediate children is considered an item in the gallery. Each of these nodes may also have arbitrary HTML children.

The gallery consists of an arbitrary number of items, as well as optional navigational arrows to go forward or backwards by a given number of items.

The gallery advances between items if the user swipes or uses the customizable arrow buttons.

Standalone use outside valid AMP documents

Bento allows you to use AMP components in non-AMP pages without needing to commit to fully valid AMP. You can take these components and place them in implementations with frameworks and CMSs that don't support AMP. Read more in our guide Use AMP components in non-AMP pages.

To find the standalone version of amp-stream-gallery, see bento-stream-gallery.

Behavior users should be aware of

Slide layout

Slides are automatically sized by the carousel. You should give the slides layout="flex-item":

<amp-stream-gallery >
  <amp-img layout="flex-item" src="…"></amp-img>

The slides have a default height of 100% when the carousel is laid out horizontally. This can easily be changed with CSS or by using layout="fixed-height". When specifying the height, the slide will be vertically centered within the carousel.

If you want to horizontally center your slide content, you will want to create a wrapping element, and use that to center the content.


Media Queries

The attributes for <amp-stream-gallery> can be configured to use different options based on a media query.



Either "always", "auto", or "never", defaults to "auto". This determines if and when prev/next navigational arrows are displayed. Note: When outset-arrows is true, the arrows are shown "always".

  • always: Arrows are always displayed.
  • auto: Arrows are displayed when the carousel has most recently received interaction via mouse, and not displayed when the carousel has most recently received interaction via touch. On first load for touch devices, arrows are displayed until first interaction.
  • never: Arrows are never displayed.


Either "around" or undefined. This determines how extra space is allocated after displaying the calculated number of visible slides in the carousel. If "around", white space is evenly distributed around the carousel with justify-content: center; otherwise, space is allocated to the right of the carousel for LTR documents and to the left for RTL documents.


Either true or false, defaults to true. When true, the carousel will allow the user to move from the first item back to the last item and visa versa. There must be at least three slides present for looping to occur.


Either true or false, defaults to false. When true, the carousel will display its arrows outset and on either side of the slides. Note that with outset arrows, the slide container will have an effective length of 100px less than the allotted space for its given container - 50px per arrow on either side. When false, the carousel will display its arrows inset and overlayed on top of the left and right edges of the slides.


A number, defaults to 0. This determines how much of an additional slide to show (on one or both sides of the current slide) as an affordance to the user indicating the carousel is swipeable.

common attributes

This element includes common attributes extended to AMP components.


A number, defaults to 1. Determines the minimum number of slides that should be shown at a given time. Fractional values can be used to make part of a(n) additional slide(s) visible.


A number, defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE. Determines the maximum number of slides that should be shown at a given time. Fractional values can be used to make part of a(n) additional slide(s) visible.


A number, defaults to 1. Determines the minimum width of each item, used to resolve how many whole items can be shown at once within the overall width of the gallery.


A number, defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE. Determines the maximum width of each item, used to resolve how many whole items can be shown at once within the overall width of the gallery.

Slide snapping


Either start or center. When start aligning, the start of a slide (e.g. the left edge, when horizontal aligning) is aligned with the start of a carousel. When center aligning, the center of a slide is aligned with the center of a carousel.


Either true or false, defaults to true. Determines whether or not the carousel should snap on slides when scrolling.



Moves the carousel forwards by the calculated number of visible slides.


Moves the carousel backwards by the calculated number of visible slides.


Moves the carousel to the slide specified by the index argument.



This event is triggered when the index displayed by the carousel has changed. The new index is available via event.index.


You may use the amp-stream-gallery element selector to style the carousel freely.

Customizing Arrow Buttons

Arrow buttons can be customized by passing in your own custom markup. For example, you can recreate the default styling with the following HTML and CSS:

.carousel-next {
  filter: drop-shadow(0px 1px 2px #4a4a4a);
  width: 40px;
  height: 40px;
  padding: 20px;
  background-color: transparent;
  border: none;
  outline: none;

.carousel-prev {
  background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><path  d="M14,7.4 L9.4,12 L14,16.6" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="2px" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" /></svg>');

.carousel-next {
  background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""><path  d="M10,7.4 L14.6,12 L10,16.6" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="2px" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" /></svg>');
<amp-stream-gallery >
  <div>first slide</div><button slot="next-arrow" class="carousel-next" aria-label="Next"></button>

If you want more customization for the arrow buttons, you can use the next and prev actions. For example, if you want to place buttons under the carousel and use the words "Previous" and "Next" instead of having them in the default location, you can use the following HTML:

  <amp-stream-gallery id="carousel-1" ><div slot="next-arrow"></div>
    <div slot="prev-arrow"></div>
  <button on="tap:carousel-1.prev()">Previous</button>
  <button on="">Next</button>
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