• email

Conference Survey Email


This sample demonstrates how to build an AMP-powered email that contains a simple interactive survey.

The main content of the email, an image and a short description of the event.

It’s been a busy few days at the latest AMP conference. We hope you had a good time!

<amp-img class="m1" width="600" height="314" layout="responsive" src=""></amp-img>
<p>It’s been a busy few days at the latest AMP conference. We hope you had a good time!</p>

To make the survey, we use an amp-form with radio button input fields.

The second step of the form, free text input, is hidden initially and gets displayed after the user selects a rating, as this triggers a change event.

When the form is submitted, we display a short confirmation message to the user by using <div submit-success>.

How would you rate this year's conference?

Thank you for submitting feedback.
<form method="post" action-xhr="">
  <div class="m1">
    <p>How would you rate this year's conference?</p>

    <input type="radio" id="rating1" name="rating" value="3" on="" required>
    <label for="rating1">Great</label>

    <input type="radio" id="rating2" name="rating" value="2" on="">
    <label for="rating2">Not bad</label>

    <input type="radio" id="rating3" name="rating" value="1" on="">
    <label for="rating3">Meh</label>
  <div class="m1" id="step2" hidden>
    <label class="block" for="info">Would you like to tell us more?</label>
    <textarea class="block" id="info" name="name" rows="5"></textarea>
  <input type="submit" value="Send feedback">
  <input type="reset" value="Clear">

  <div class="m1" submit-success>
    Thank you for submitting feedback.
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