• ads

Hello World


An introduction into how to create AMPHTML ads. AMPHTML ads are ads implemented using AMPHTML. The AMPHTML ads runtime is based on the AMP runtime and provides the same performance benefits. However, there are a few things that make them different from normal AMPHTML files.

The AMPHTML Validator features a special validation mode for AMPHTML ads.


Doctype declaration is required.

<!doctype html>

This tells everyone that this is an AMPHTML ads file.

<html 4ads lang="en">

The charset definition must be the first child of the <head> tag.

<meta charset="utf-8">

AMPHTML ads require a custom version of the AMP runtime.

<script async src=""></script>

The AMPHTML ads boilerplate which is shorter than the regular AMP boilerplate.

<style amp4ads-boilerplate>body{visibility:hidden}</style>

CSS must be embedded inline as well.

<style amp-custom>
  h1 {
    color: red;


Inside the body, AMPHTML ads are only allowed to use a restricted set of HTML and AMPHTML elements as described in the spec.

Hello World

<h1>Hello World</h1>

Check out the other AMPHTML ads samples to learn how to create more sophisticated AMPHTML ads.

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