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Use amp-anim to embed animations (gif, webp) into your AMP HTML files. Animation files should be loaded via HTTPS.


Import the animation component in the header.

<script async custom-element="amp-anim" src=""></script>

Basic usage

A basic embed. The usage of amp-anim is similar to that of amp-img.

<amp-anim width="245" height="300" src="" alt="an animation" attribution="The Go gopher was designed by Reneee French and is licensed under CC 3.0 attributions.">


You can use amp-img as a placeholder when loading of src file takes time. The placeholder attribute must be added to the nested amp-img in this case.

<amp-anim width="245" height="300" src="" alt="an animation" attribution="The Go gopher was designed by Reneee French and is licensed under CC 3.0 attributions.">
  <amp-img placeholder width="245" height="300" src=""></amp-img>
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