Important: this documentation is not applicable to your currently selected format ads!



Provides a way to display and stick ad content at the bottom of the page.


Required Scripts

<script async custom-element="amp-sticky-ad" src=""></script>

Supported Layouts


Provides a way to display and stick ad content at the bottom of the page.

  • There can be only one <amp-sticky-ad> in an AMP document. The <amp-sticky-ad> should only have one direct child: <amp-ad>. Note: Make sure you include any required scripts for the <amp-ad> component.
  • The sticky ad appears at the bottom of a page.
  • The sticky ad introduces a full-width blank container and then fills the sticky ad based on the width and height of the <amp-ad>.
  • The height of the sticky-ad is whatever its child needs up to its max-height.
  • The max-height of the sticky-ad is 100px, if the height exceeds 100px then the height would be 100px and overflow content will be hidden.
  • The width of the sticky-ad is set to 100% using CSS and cannot be overridden.
  • The opacity of the sticky-ad is set to 1 using CSS and cannot be overridden.
  • The background color of the sticky-ad can be customized to match the page style. However, any semi-transparent or transparent background will not be allowed and will be changed to a non-transparent color.
  • When scrolled to the bottom of the page, the viewport is automatically padded with the additional height of the sticky ad, so that no content is ever hidden.
  • When in landscape mode, the sticky ad is center-aligned.
  • The sticky ad can be dismissed and removed by a close button.
  • If no ad is filled, the sticky ad container will collapse and will no longer be visible.


<amp-sticky-ad layout="nodisplay">


layout (required)

Must be set to nodisplay.


The amp-sticky-ad component can be styled with standard CSS.

  • The sticky ad container style can be set through the amp-sticky-ad CSS class.
  • The close button style can be set through the amp-sticky-ad-close-button CSS class.
  • The padding bar between the ad and the close button style can be set through the amp-sticky-ad-top-padding CSS class.


See amp-sticky-ad rules in the AMP validator specification.


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