A single screen of an AMP story.
Required Scripts
<script async custom-element="amp-story" src=""></script>
The <amp-story-page>
component represents the content to display on a single page of a story.
<amp-story-page id="cover"> <amp-story-grid-layer template="fill"> <amp-video layout="fill" src="background.mp4" poster="background.png" muted autoplay ></amp-video> </amp-story-grid-layer> <amp-story-grid-layer template="vertical"> <h1>These are the Top 5 World's Most...</h1> <p>Jon Bersch</p> <p>May 18</p> </amp-story-grid-layer> <amp-story-grid-layer template="thirds"> <amp-img grid-area="bottom-third" src="a-logo.svg" width="64" height="64" ></amp-img> </amp-story-grid-layer> </amp-story-page>
Valid children
The <amp-story-page>
component contains one or more layers. Layers are stacked bottom-up (the first layer specified in the DOM is at the bottom; the last layer specified in the DOM is at the top).
id [required]
A unique identifier for the page. Can be used for styling the page and its descendants in CSS, and is also used to uniquely identify the page in the URL fragment.
auto-advance-after [optional]
Specifies when to auto-advance to the next page. If omitted, the page will not automatically advance. The value for auto-advance-after
must be either a specified amount of time, or the id
of an HTMLMediaElement or video-interface.
enables a lean-back user experience. In absence of auto-advance-after
, the serving platform may decide to auto advance after a specific duration.
Auto-advance to the next story page after a specified amount of time. The time must be positive.
<amp-story-page id="tokyo" auto-advance-after="1s"> ... </amp-story-page>
Element id
You can auto-advance to the next story page when a video completes. Point the auto-advance-after
attribute to the id of an HTMLMediaElement or video-interface that displays the video. This includes AMP specific components, like amp-video
<amp-story-page id="tokyo" auto-advance-after="video1"> ... <amp-video autoplay id="video1" width="720" height="1280" poster="todo.jpg" layout="responsive"> <source src="video1.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </amp-video> ... </amp-story-page>
background-audio [optional]
A URI to an audio file that plays while this page is in view.
For example:
<amp-story-page id="zurich" background-audio="./media/switzerland.mp3" ></amp-story-page>
Related resources
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