Working Groups
Encouraging More Voices in AMP

An AMP Working Group is a segment of the community with knowledge/interest in specific area of AMP. Working Groups are created by AMP’s Technical Steering Committee.
Most Working Groups provide bi-weekly status updates and present quarterly high-level updates in round-robin fashion at Design Reviews.
AMP’s Working Groups are:
Working Group
wg-analytics Working Group is responsible for analytics features and integrations in AMP.
The facilitator of Analytics is: @zhouyx
Communication Channels
The Analytics Working Group members will use #wg-analytics
channel on AMP's Slack (signup) for real-time discussion. The channel is open to anyone, regardless of membership in Analytics working group.
Analytics Working Group will post Status Updates every two weeks as an issue labeled with Type: Status Update
in this repository.
Analytics Working Group will post Announcements and Notices regarding events as an issue labeled with Type: Event
in this repository.
Analytics Working Group will post Quarterly Roadmap as an issue labeled with Type: Roadmap
in this repository.