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This example shows how to create recaptcha input using just amp-bind.

Import amp-bind so recaptcha can have multiple states

<script async custom-element="amp-bind" src=""></script>

Recaptcha input used to verify user for amp-form

<script async custom-element="amp-form" src=""></script>


The amp-state below defines three different states that the recaptcha equation could be.

<amp-state id="captcha">
  <script type="application/json">
       "state1": {
             "result": "10",
             "condition": "+",
             "captchaCorrect": "6"

       "state2": {
             "result": "2",
             "condition": "-",
             "captchaCorrect": "6"
       "state3": {
             "result": "8",
             "condition": "*",
             "captchaCorrect": "2"


Recaptcha forces users to provide the correct input using the [pattern] requirement. The [pattern] updates dynamically as the state changes. In order for the recaptcha to work on first pass, disable the input until the amp-bind 'state' variable is set (i.e. [disabled]="!state"). As another workaround, you could set a default pattern (without brackets) and have the [pattern] update as user refreshes the conditional. Upon refresh the 'state' is updated to provide a new equation.

+ 4 = 10
<form action="" method="get" target="_top">
  <input name="s" placeholder="Type Anything" type="text" on="input-debounced:AMP.setState({state: 'state1'})" required>
    <input [disabled]="!state" disabled type="text" name [pattern]="captcha[state].captchaCorrect" title="AMP recaptcha input" required>
    <span [text]="captcha[state].condition">+</span>
    <span [text]="captcha[state].result">10</span>
    <span on="tap:AMP.setState({state: (state == 'state1' ? 'state2' : state == 'state2' ? 'state3': 'state1')})" role="button" tabindex="0"></span>
    <amp-img src="" width="24" height="24"></amp-img>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">
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