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The amp-image-slider component allows comparing 2 images by moving the vertical slider bar. Users can click/touch and drag to move the bar to compare the images.


Import the amp-image-slider component in the header.

<script async custom-element="amp-image-slider" src=""></script>

For this example, we will create some classes for positioning labels. (we will revisit in the following section)

<style amp-custom>
  .label {
    color: white;
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
    width: 5rem;
    padding: 1rem 0;
    text-align: center;
    font-weight: bold;
  .label-left-center {
    top: 50%;
    left: 1rem;
    transform: translateY(-50%);
  .label-right-center {
    top: 50%;
    right: 1rem;
    transform: translateY(-50%);
  .triangle-hint .amp-image-slider-hint-left {
    width: 10px;
    height: 20px;
    background-size: 10px 20px;
    margin-right: 10px;
    background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3csvg xmlns='' width='10' height='20' viewBox='0 0 10 20'%3e%3cpolygon points='10,0 0,10 10,20' style='fill:white' /%3e%3c/svg%3e");
  .triangle-hint .amp-image-slider-hint-right {
    width: 10px;
    height: 20px;
    background-size: 10px 20px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3csvg xmlns='' width='10' height='20' viewBox='0 0 10 20'%3e%3cpolygon points='0,0 10,10 0,20' style='fill:white' /%3e%3c/svg%3e");
  .slider-no-display .amp-image-slider-hint-left, .slider-no-display .amp-image-slider-hint-right {
    display: none;
  .seek-button-container {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-around;
    padding: 1rem;

Basic usage

Build a basic image slider by placing 2 amp-imgs inside. The first amp-img would be the left image, and the second would be the right one.

A blurry image about canoeing
An image about canoeing
<amp-image-slider width="300" height="200" layout="responsive">
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/canoe_900x600_blur.jpg" alt="A blurry image about canoeing" layout="fill"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/canoe_900x600.jpg" alt="An image about canoeing" layout="fill"></amp-img>

Custom text label

You can add customizable text labels to your images, by providing extra divs, labeled with first and second attributes, for left and right images correspondingly. You can customize the style and positioning of your labels with classes. For example, to center the label vertically on the images, you can use top/bottom and transform rules. Check the Setup section for details.

<amp-image-slider width="300" height="200" layout="responsive">
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/red_apple_1_1024x682.jpg" alt="A red apple" layout="fill"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/green_apple_1_1024x682.jpg" alt="A green apple" layout="fill"></amp-img>
  <div first class="label label-left-center">Red</div>
  <div second class="label label-right-center">Green</div>

Arrow hint

Arrow hints about moving the image slider would always show by default. Once user interacts with the slider (such as clicking and touching), the hint would fade out. The hints reappear if the slider leaves the viewport and later comes back again. To disable this default behavior, add disable-hint-reappear attribute to the slider.

<amp-image-slider width="300" height="200" layout="responsive" disable-hint-reappear>
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/canoe_900x600_blur.jpg" alt="A blurry image about canoeing" layout="fill"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/canoe_900x600.jpg" alt="An image about canoeing" layout="fill"></amp-img>

Custom hint

By overwriting .amp-image-slider-hint-left and .amp-image-slider-hint-right classes, you can change the styling of the left and right hint icons. Specially, you can overwrite background-image to provide your own.

<amp-image-slider class="triangle-hint" width="300" height="200" layout="responsive">
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/canoe_900x600_blur.jpg" alt="A blurry image about canoeing" layout="fill"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/canoe_900x600.jpg" alt="An image about canoeing" layout="fill"></amp-img>

Hidden hints

To hide hints, you can simply set display: none; for these classes.

<amp-image-slider class="slider-no-display" width="300" height="200" layout="responsive">
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/red_apple_1_1024x682.jpg" alt="A red apple" layout="fill"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/green_apple_1_1024x682.jpg" alt="A green apple" layout="fill"></amp-img>


amp-image-slider offers an action .seekTo(percent=[0-1]) that moves the slider to corresponding percent from the left. For example, you can use slider-id.seekTo(percent=0) and slider-id.seekTo(percent=1) move the slider to left and right borders.

<amp-image-slider id="seekable" width="300" height="200" layout="responsive">
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/canoe_900x600_blur.jpg" alt="A blurry image about canoeing" layout="fill"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/canoe_900x600.jpg" alt="An image about canoeing" layout="fill"></amp-img>
<div class="seek-button-container">
  <button on="tap:seekable.seekTo(percent=1)">SHOW LEFT</button>
  <button on="tap:seekable.seekTo(percent=0)">SHOW RIGHT</button>

Different initial position

By default, the slider bar would be initially placed at the center of the slider. You can change its initial position with initial-slider-position attribute.

<amp-image-slider width="300" height="200" layout="responsive" initial-slider-position="0.3">
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/red_apple_1_1024x682.jpg" alt="A red apple" layout="fill"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/green_apple_1_1024x682.jpg" alt="A green apple" layout="fill"></amp-img>

Different step size

By setting step-size to a value between 0 and 1, you can move the slider bar by a custom percentage every time you press left and right arrow keys when the slider is focused.

<amp-image-slider tabindex="0" width="300" height="200" layout="responsive" step-size="0.2">
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/red_apple_1_1024x682.jpg" alt="A red apple" layout="fill"></amp-img>
  <amp-img src="/static/samples/img/green_apple_1_1024x682.jpg" alt="A green apple" layout="fill"></amp-img>
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