The amp-pinterest
component allows embedding a save button or pin widget.
Import the amp-pinterest
component in the header.
<script async custom-element="amp-pinterest" src=""></script>
Save button
Set data-do
to buttonPin
to enable pinning content on your site. These attributes are required:
: the URL to be
the absolute image URL to be
: the default description that appears in the pin create form.
<amp-img src="/static/samples/img/amp.jpg" width="300" height="169" alt="an image"></amp-img>
<amp-pinterest height="18" width="56" data-do="buttonPin" data-url="" data-media="" data-description="amp-pinterest in action">
Embed pin widget
To embed the pin widget, set data-do
to embedPin
. The data-url
attribute must contain the fully-qualified URL of the Pinterest resource.
<amp-pinterest width="236" height="326" data-do="embedPin" data-url="">
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Written by @sebastianbenz