• websites

Live Blog


This is a sample template for implementing live blogs in AMP.


Import amp-social-share for adding share buttons

<script async custom-element="amp-social-share" src=""></script>

Import amp-live-list for implementing a live blog.

<script async custom-element="amp-live-list" src=""></script>


Live blog updates can be represented in Google Search results as carousel items of the blog page. Learn more.

<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "LiveBlogPosting",
    "url": "",
    "articleBody": "This is the initial text in the blog post",
    "datePublished": "2016-09-08T23:04:28.24337",
    "about": {
      "@type": "Event",
      "description": "This is my great live blog sample",
      "startDate": "2016-07-23T13:00:00-07:00",
      "endDate": "2016-07-23T15:00:00-07:00",
      "name": "An AMP Live Blog",
      "url": "",
      "location": {
        "@type": "EventVenue",
        "name": "The Venue Name",
        "address" : {
          "@type": "PostalAddress",
          "streetAddress": "701 Mission St",
          "addressLocality": "San Francisco",
          "addressRegion": "CA",
          "postalCode": "94103",
          "addressCountry": "US"
    "publisher": {
      "@type": "Organization",
      "name": "Google",
      "logo": {
        "@type": "ImageObject",
        "url": "/static/samples/img/favicon.png",
        "width": "512",
        "height": "512"
    "author": {
      "@type": "Person",
      "sameAs": "",
      "name": "Chiara Chiappini"
    "image": {
      "@type": "ImageObject",
      "url": "/static/samples/img/abe_preview.png",
      "height": "1532",
      "width": "2046"
    "coverageStartTime": "2016-07-23T11:30:00-07:00",
    "coverageEndTime": "2016-07-23T16:00:00-07:00",
    "headline": "An AMP Live Blog",
    "description": "A Live Blog implementation with AMP",
    "liveBlogUpdate": ""

Blog Posts

Use amp-live-list to implement a live blog. The amp-live-list component regularly polls the host document for updated content and updates the end user's browser as new items become available. This means that every time a new post needs to be added, the host document should be updated by the CMS to include the update both the body and the metadata section. Find an amp-live-list example here.

Long blogs could use pagination to improve performance by limiting the number of blog items to be displayed on a page. To implement pagination, amp-live-list allows to add the <div pagination></div> element, to then insert any markup needed for pagination, for example the page number, a link to the next and previous page.

<amp-live-list class="live-list" layout="container" data-poll-interval="15000" data-max-items-per-page="5" id="amp-live-list-insert-blog">

  <button id="live-list-update-button" update on="tap:amp-live-list-insert-blog.update">You have updates</button>
  <div items>
  <div pagination>
    <nav aria-label="amp live list pagination">
      <ul class="pagination">
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