Currency Conversion
This example shows how to use amp-bind
to filter JSON data on select of option in select dropdown.
We include amp-bind
to track the state
<script async custom-element="amp-bind" src=""></script>
This example uses a public currency endpoint to populate amp-state
. The default value is EUR
(euro) and we convert the currency values by updating amp-state
when the user changes the dropdown to a different currency.
EUR 2.00

<amp-state id="currencyFilter" src=""></amp-state>
<amp-state id="defState">
<script type="application/json">
"currencyRate": 1,
"currencyDecimal": 2,
"currencyCode": "EUR"
<select on="change:AMP.setState({
defState: {
currencyRate: event.value == 'EUR' ? 1 : currencyFilter.rates[event.value],
currencyCode: event.value
<option value="CAD">CAD</option>
<option value="EUR" selected>EUR</option>
<option value="HKD">HKD</option>
<option value="ISK">ISK</option>
<option value="USD">USD</option>
<option value="GBP">GBP</option>
<option value="RUB">RUB</option>
<option value="INR">INR</option>
<span [text]="defState.currencyCode">EUR</span>
<span [text]="(2*defState.currencyRate).toFixed(defState.currencyDecimal)">2.00</span>
<amp-img src="" height="112" width="112" layout="fixed" title="banana"></amp-img>
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Written by @philkrie