• websites

Favorite Button


This sample demonstrates how to implement a favorite/like/bookmark button in AMP. Our implementation:

  • shows the correct icon based on whether the user already liked an item or not. This works if the AMP is served from an AMP Cache or the original origin.
  • shows a placeholder while the current state is loaded asynchronously.
  • falls back to the original state and displays an error message if the request fails, for example when the user is offline.


We use the amp-list component to dynamically render the initial state of the favorite button.

<script async custom-element="amp-list" src=""></script>

The mustache component is required by amp-list.

<script async custom-template="amp-mustache" src=""></script>

We need amp-form to submit the favorite request.

<script async custom-element="amp-form" src=""></script>

amp-bind enables us to dynamically change the button state when we submit the form.

<script async custom-element="amp-bind" src=""></script>

Managing state

We initialize the button state from a JSON endpoint using amp-state. As we use cookies to identify the user, we need to add the credentials="include" attribute.

<amp-state id="favorite" credentials="include" src="">

A simple favorite button

The button is embedded inside an amp-list, which enables us to dynamically render the button based on whether the user already liked something or not. Inside the template we use mustache's implicit iterator . to access the boolean value that is returned by our /favorite endpoint: {{#.}}heart-fill{{/.}}.

We also declare a placeholder icon inside the amp-list using the placeholder attribute which is shown while the amp-list is loading.

There are a few things that are happening when the user presses the favorite button:

  • The form sends a toggle request when the user presses the button.
  • We implement an optimistic UX that will instantly update the button state when the button is pressed.
  • If the form submission fails (submit-error:...), we revert the favorite state to the original version and show an error message (
  • We hide any existing error messages (favorite-failed-message.hide).
<form class="favorite-button" method="post" action-xhr="" target="_top" on="submit:AMP.setState({
                    favorite: !favorite
                    favorite: !favorite
  <amp-list width="56" height="56" credentials="include" items="." single-item src="" binding="always">
    <template type="amp-mustache">
      <input type="submit" class="{{#.}}heart-fill{{/.}}{{^.}}heart-border{{/.}}" [class]="favorite ? 'heart-fill' : 'heart-border'" value aria-label="Favorite Toggle">
    <div placeholder>
      <input type="submit" disabled class="heart-loading" value aria-label="favorite placeholder">

A simple snackbar that we show when the form submission fails.

<div id="favorite-failed-message" hidden>Error: Could not favorite.
  <div on="tap:favorite-failed-message.hide" tabindex="0" role="button">CLOSE</div>

A favorite button with counter

This is a more sophisticated version of the previous sample that also includes the number of favorites. Our JSON endpoint returns two values: value and count.

<amp-state id="favoriteWithCount" credentials="include" src="">

The implementation is similar to the previous sample, but also updates the count when the button is clicked

  count: favoriteWithCount.count + (favoriteWithCount.value ? -1 : 1)

We use a temporary variable previousFavoriteWithCount to store the previous value in order to be able to revert the button state in case the form submission fails.

<form class="favorite-button" method="post" action-xhr="" target="_top" on="submit:AMP.setState({
               previousFavoriteWithCount: favoriteWithCount,
               favoriteWithCount: {
                 value: !favoriteWithCount.value,
                 count: favoriteWithCount.count + (favoriteWithCount.value ? -1 : 1),
               value: !favoriteWithCount.value,
               favoriteWithCount: previousFavoriteWithCount.count
  <amp-list width="200" height="56" credentials="include" items="." single-item noloading src="" binding="always">
    <template type="amp-mustache">
      <div class="favorite-container">
        <input type="submit" class="{{#value}}heart-fill{{/value}}{{^value}}heart-border{{/value}}" [class]="favoriteWithCount.value ? 'heart-fill' : 'heart-border'" value aria-label="Favorite Toggle">
        <div class="favorite-count" [text]="favoriteWithCount.count ? favoriteWithCount.count : ''">{{count}}</div>
    <div placeholder>
      <div class="favorite-container">
        <input type="submit" disabled class="heart-loading" value aria-label="favorite placeholder">
        <div class="favorite-count loading">0</div>
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